
I am giving out free Writely invites (that Google word processing site)

First published on July 14, 2006

I’ve had a Writely account for a while but haven’t really done much about it until now. It can be quite handy to collaborate on documents with other people (in real time, no less).

My Writely limerick

Anyway, Google does a good job about keeping projects in Beta and increasing hype by limiting sign-ups. I don’t know how many people I can invite to Writely… if you want to check it out, leave a comment on this post and I’ll send you an invite. Write your e-mail address in the e-mail field — it won’t be publicly posted.

Also, if you need to collaborate on spreadsheets (read: tough assignments if you’re a student), check out Google Spreadsheets. You don’t even need an invite for that.


Update: looks like Google has fully integrated Writely into its Documents and Spreadsheets and all you need to sign up is a Google account (which is free).


22 Responses to “I am giving out free Writely invites (that Google word processing site)”

  1. John Butler says:

    Hey, I’d like a writely invite! I stopped by for your security image plugin for wp but of course started reading your blog. Thanks!!!

  2. Peter says:


  3. Badr says:

    Just like john, I stopped by for your image plugin and started reading… thanks for the plugin BTW. If you can still spare an invite, please send it my way

  4. Vincent says:

    Do you still have any invites left? If so, that’d be great, I’d really appreciate it… Thanks!

  5. Peter says:

    OK, sent!

  6. Shin says:

    Would you invite me to Writely? Thanks.

  7. Josh Ebert says:

    I found your site on and i’ve been wanting to try this out..could you send me an invite? thanks in advance.

  8. Peter says:

    My sent confirmation comments are becoming a bit repetitive… but I will still make them anyway…


  9. Justin says:

    If you have any invites remaining, I’d love to have one! Thanks in advance!

    send to [email protected]

    ~ Justin

  10. Peter says:

    Another one sent!

  11. Matthew says:

    Thanking you in advance if you are able to send an invite…

  12. Jack says:

    I would like an invite,

    [email protected]

  13. Einstein says:

    I would like to be invited ..


  14. Adam says:

    Hi Peter!

    I’d love a Writely invite. I’m interested in using it with second language learners to help them collaberate on writing tasks.


  15. Peter says:

    10 invites sent so far.

  16. Ked says:

    Do you have another? Can I have one? I’m at work MEANT to be working, but shan’t until I get one! Please Please Please.

  17. Peter says:

    Well, since today’s productivity is in my hands, I’d better get that invite sent!


  18. John says:

    If you have any invites left, I’d like one. Thanks a lot.

  19. Peter says:

    12 sent.

  20. DimSum says:

    I would also very much appreciate an invite. Thanks!

  21. Zack says:

    Please send me a Writely invite!

  22. Willi says:

    Well, late or never.
    Please send me an invitation!
    Greetings from Austria, we have no snow so far, temperatures between 10 and 20 degree celsius. Bad for skiing.

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