Thanks for your support
The following people have donated to this site in appreciation of various posts and scripts. Thank you to the following people, and of course to all site visitors
- Karin [October 2021]
- FlexTech Media [May 2019]
- Douglas [January 2017]
- Janell [September 2016]
- Asurency [June 2016]
- John [September 2015]
- Ruwan [May 2015]
- Sailor Studio [September 2014]
- High Aspirations [January 2014]
- Eronsele [October 2013]
- Matt [June 2013]
- Ernie [May 2013]
- Ihuoma [April 2013]
- Radio Society of Great Britain [March 2013]
- Margaret [August 2012]
- Charles [August 2012]
- Josie [March 2012]
- Scott [October 2011]
- Dimitri [October 2011]
- Chris [September 2011]
- Patrick [June 2011]
- Trustworthy Publications [March 2011]
- H J [February 2011]
- Ari [February 2011]
- Castingnow [February 2011]
- Beverley [January 2011]: read a post about prepaid cell phone plans
- Richard [January 2011]
- Stephan [September 2010]
- E Specialties Network [April 2010]
- P J [February 2010]
- Ron and Andrea [October 2009]
- Chasity [September 2009]
- Strife [July 2009]
- Tevarra Creative Studio [April 2009]
- Philmon [February 2009]
- Joanne [October 2008]
- Alasdair [September 2008]: Uses a collaboration plugin for WordPress on – An organisation working to conserve primates across Africa through the production of awareness raising digital media.
- David [August 2008]: Uses a sports league standings script.
- Toronto Star, April 2014
- Fight Back: 81 Ways to Help You Save Money and Protect Yourself from Corporate Trickery (book), December 2012
- Globe and Mail, July 2012
- Globe and Mail, March 2012
- Globe and Mail, February 2012
- Readers Digest Canada, August 2011

February 18th, 2009 at 2:52 pm
Phil says:
Certainly appreciate this software. The kids at my church will enjoy the game.
March 28th, 2010 at 11:58 am
Florian says:
Hello Peter,
Just wanted to give you a BIG ‘Thank You!’ for your wonderful ‘Peter’s Login Redirect’ WordPress plugin.
So, thanks again and keep up the good work!!!
Kind regards,
August 7th, 2010 at 1:26 pm
Paul says:
Thanks for the anti-spam plugin for WordPress. I’ve always thought my maleness was large enough. Now I don’t need to wade through the piles of comments telling me otherwise.
August 23rd, 2012 at 6:10 pm
Margaret says:
Hi Peter,
Your "Peter’s Login Redirect" plugin was perfect for using in conjunction with another plugin, "WP User Frontend," so that our computer-phobic editor wouldn’t ever see the dashboard after he logged in.
I suppose I could just learn PHP and WordPress better so I could write such code myself, but, simple though I’m sure it is to you now, it saved me lots of time, so I just sent you a donation for that (instead of for the emoticons, which is where I seemed to end up).
Reply from Peter: Thanks a lot! Glad it was of use to you!