
Speak to a human customer service representative on the telephone at Rogers Wireless

First published on June 20, 2006

So, it tells me to call 1-877-764-3772. I’m trying to activate my wireless cell phone account and, of course, this stupid service has a combination of touch tone and voice recognition service. So I’m saying into the phone, “Activate account”. How does it respond? “I think you’re calling about Cable TV service”. No, no I’m not. Anyway, I don’t want to tell the full story, but let’s just say it consists of me attempting to navigate the terrible menus and shouting “shut up, I hate you” (that didn’t help either, by the way).

Then, when I finally manage to speak to a CSR, they all claim ignorance and transfer me from department to department. But that’s beside the point. I managed to speak to a nice lady, who in the end, shared this semi-secret with me. Just say “agent” when confronted with those nasty menus and you’ll be transferred to a CSR. No guarantee on getting a nice CSR, though.

By the way, I tried the “agent” trick with 1-800-575-9090, but that doesn’t seem to work. It does work wonders with 1-877-764-3772. If anybody has the magic answer to the 1-800 as well, let me know.


5 Responses to “Speak to a human customer service representative on the telephone at Rogers Wireless”

  1. Lea says:

    Trying to get a CSR for Translink is the worst! Any tips for this one?

  2. sugarsmacks says:

    Hey Peter, thanks for sharing the semi-secret (and thanks to the nice rep who divulged it).

    A more time-consuming but 100% surefire way is to just sit there on the phone until the idiot recorded guy goes through his rigamarole. After about 2 or 3 minutes, "he" will transfer you to an agent. *Note, he will try to trick you though by asking you again for your Rogers number before transferring you. Do not say anything!

    The whole idea is to keep silent until you get the agent.

    Thanks Peter, your site is a money-saver and very useful in general.

  3. passerbyA says:

    Thanks for all these tricks.
    Everytime I try to speak to a human, I must spend like ten minutes talking through a machine………
    And when I am able to speak with a human, he/she usually redirects me to different departments; as if his job is to avoid reliability.

  4. David E. Lockhart says:

    The number you give for paypal is to their bank accounts. I need a number to talk to a human for the credit card department.

  5. Amal says:

    I want to change the ownership of my wifi connection also I need to know what all the necessary documents required for making all these changes.

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