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I've been big-billified
October 5, 2009
8:20 pm
Richard I.

So like most of us I was sucked into Koodo by commercials stating no system access fees, say no to big billification and the unlimited yaddah yaddah. 3rd month in a row now that there have been weird charges on my bill and I had enough. Mind you it's not like some of the other stories that I am reading here, nonetheless, I have expectations as a consumer to pay reasonable prices for products and services rendered. My Koodo bills have been 50% to 100% more expensive than any cell bill that I have received from Rogers or Bell in the 15 years that I have been a customer with either of those providers. Things like incoming long distance charges because "I am outside my area", 35 cents a minute for long distance (WHAT??? 5 or 10 cents a minute is a good market price) and other items that Bell or Rogers NEVER nickle and dime their customers for. Then try Koodo's customer service or shall I say customer stonewall department. "Those are all chargeable items sir" is all I get from a so-called supervisor. 24-48 hours apparently to speak to someone higher plus the long wait time tells me there are more than a few people pissed at these folks. We shall see what happens next. Fear not everyone... the bottom feeders in the market usually get flushed out eventually.

October 10, 2009
11:44 pm

Richard, if you look thru the Koodo site, you can add an option for $2/month that gives you 5 cents long distance. It reduced my bills in a big way!

October 21, 2009
2:24 pm
Shafia Kazmi

the 5cents is an additional to 35cents already charged, which they earlier say they wont charge.