Koodo Mobile review: better than Telus, but beware of the Koodo Tab
First published on April 9, 2008
Koodo Mobile, a subsidiary of Telus, is the new kid on the block in the Canadian cell phone scene. Its loud print, TV, and transit ads (not to mention the silly promotion on the street where they gave away head bands) signal that Telus is aggressively going after the “no-frills” cell phone service market of players like Virgin Mobile and pay as you go providers, using an ironic pitch that goes against what many people dislike about Telus itself.
There is actually a lot to like about Koodo Mobile. It has no System Access Fee (that bogus monthly fee that is usually around $7) and no 911 fee. With per-second billing, call forwarding, call waiting, and conference calling included, that’s certainly a good start.
You might find the $20 and up deals to suit your needs with included features like free evenings and weekends. The Koodo Mobile website is clear and easy to use, so you can mess around with the different plans and add-ons. The cheapest $15 plan, which gives you 50 minutes and 50 text messages, is not that good of a deal for light users. Remember that unlike a pay as you go (or “prepaid”) plan, if you use only 30 minutes of airtime in a month, your 20 extra minutes are gone. And minutes over the alloted bundle are 35 cents per minute, unlike the cheaper rates of 20 or 25 cents per minute of pay as you go plans.
I’ve noticed a few things that prospective Koodo-ers should keep in mind:
- The long distance rate (presumably for calls made to Canada and the USA) is an extra $0.35 per minute.
- Call display and voice mail cost extra on all plans.
- Koodo runs on the Telus CDMA network. For travellers, this means that you cannot use your phone overseas with foreign SIM cards.
- The Koodo Tab is, in my opinion, just a reformulation of those contracts that everybody dreads. In the long-term, it is slightly better than a contract.
Consider the scenario where you buy a phone at a discount because you start a $150 Koodo Tab. If you have a $45 monthly plan, you can deduct 10% of it, or $4.50 from the Tab every month. This means that you have to stay with the $45 plan for 34 months (almost three years) before you completely pay off the Tab. If you only have a $50 tab and a $25 monthly plan, this is paid off in over 1.5 years. The reason why this is better than a contract is that you only have to pay the remaining balance on your Tab if you decide to leave early.
August 6, 2008: Due to the number of comments on this post, all discussion about Koodo Mobile has been moved to the forum
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April 10th, 2008 at 4:54 am
Tom says:
While true that the Tab is definately a motivation to stay with the company, Koodo offers cellular phone prices at a FAR superior price point to all other Canadian providers. Also, paying off the remainder of your tab in order to leave the company is nickles and dimes compared to the outrageous costs associated with leaving a contract early with another provider.
The Tab is not money put up from, just a credit check, you only ever pay the surplus beyond $150 (if any).
April 10th, 2008 at 6:55 am
Ethan says:
Also, even if the balance starts at 150$ covered by Tab, you can presumably pay off the phone at any time – and not pay a 400$ cancellation fee like with bell.
April 12th, 2008 at 7:03 am
Alx says:
On a funny note, all 3 discount carriers (for rogers, bell and now telus), rime ( fido, solo, koodo)
I just switched to koodo because of the savings. I was with Bell on a Canada 500 plan and I was paying about $125/month for 500 long distance minutes + 6pm evenings and weekends + voicemail and call display.
With koodo I get 1000 local minutes + 7pm evenings and weekends for $60 which become long distance for $20 extra and I pay another $10 for voicemail+call display+unlimited text. That’s $90 ($95 with gst and 911 charge and $0 system access). Thus, I save $30, and I get double the minutes…maybe even more if you consider they bill by the second.
So, I’d say koodo addresses more than youth looking for cheap deals… In my case the $150 tab is paid in 16 months…..not bad at all.
April 12th, 2008 at 12:01 pm
Deep says:
I would appreciate it if any Koodo subscribers can tell me the quality of the reception is, as well as any other problems they have encountered.
I hope this is not a too good to be true company with many flaws.
April 14th, 2008 at 5:29 am
ChiQ Montes says:
i could see the plans are pretty expensive..
April 14th, 2008 at 9:43 am
julia says:
Thanks for the review on this.
I was kind of excited when I first saw the ads for this company, because I’m sick of getting ripped off with my current Telus phone. However when I looked into it further and found out that it is owned by Telus is sort of ruined my view of the company and made me instantly suspicious.
For a lower use account (100 minutes a month, free evenings/weekends/free incoming calls) – I find I would not get significant additional savings – because by the time you add on the $10 VM etc the plan rates are very similar. I am glad Kodoo has gotten rid of the ridiculous system access fee, but why are they charging so much for VM?? This is the same thing that makes me angry about Telus. This feature should be included in plans, not an additional 30-40% extra cost.
I also agree the price for the phones themselves are actually very reasonable – they seem to be pretty good quality with good features for a reasonable price. The tab idea can be deceiving (ie: equivalent to 2-3 year contract), but there is at least no penalties for leaving, just paying off the balance.
April 14th, 2008 at 6:10 pm
MMMomma says:
I used Telus for many years and finally gave up on them. They have not updated towers, I lost calls all the time. Cost me a bundle to get out of my contract but I believe if you buy a cellphone you should be able to get service just about anywhere. Only Rogers and Bell have come through for me so far. I run a dating service and get a lot of calls, having people call me back or me calling them back gets very costly
Maybe when you approve Telus!
April 14th, 2008 at 11:30 pm
no BS says:
Dont be caught up by the fact that koodo doesn’t charge all these SAF and 911 fees. For small users this system works great, but honestly look at a comparable plan from telus before you think about switching. for 33.80 including tax from koodo you would get a 100 min plan, nights @7, call id, VM, 50 Text Messages & per second billing.
However from telus you can get for the exact same price including the SAF and Tax = 200 Daytime mins, Nights @ 6pm, Weekends unltd, Call Id, Voicemail , and 100 text.
Now honestly which one is better.
Not to mention that Koodo is sporting phones that are almost 2 years old and telus has all the new units and the ability to have data phones like the new pearl or Curve. Koodo doesn’t support music downloads, and GPS. Koodo is for the cheap person who isn’t able to control how they use a phone because they are scared of being locked in. But those leaving telus before cheching with client support to see what they will be offered for staying are idiots, they are just leaving to join telus again. Those that think that its not telus are just naive. Hope this helps people understand that even though the fees aren’t visible and advertised they will still get their money either way. Why would telus undermine their own successful brand with something that is no contract. Thats just like bell making solo better or allowing virgin to outbid their plans while using their network. they aren’t stupid.
April 14th, 2008 at 11:32 pm
Mr. King says:
Agreed, and a valuable point. Now that I do the math I dont see how Koodo is better, Its all the same in the long run, I might as well renew with telus with a good phone and get some free stuff for staying from the loyalty department.
April 15th, 2008 at 3:35 pm
Long-time cell user says:
Say what you will no bs and all nay sayers, I’ve studied the plans and have in no way found all the same services for the same price. No 911 and Sys access keeps it $10 cheaper than the competition. The beauty is, if the other providers do come out with an ever better plan, I can ditch Koodo in a heartbeat and it won’t cost me $300-400 termination fee. The only cost could be paying for what I’d owe, the tab. To comment on what Mr. King says. Loyalty also comes with a price. I have also been sucked into the $200 hardware upgrade which again costs you $25/month for the balance of your term for early termination which now is nothing less than 24months with the "free" upgrade. If you lose or break your phone it’s about $200 dollars to replace a basic phone with most carriers. You can get a phone comparable for $75. I wouldn’t say it’s a plan for people who are cheap! I think it’s for all those that require a cell phone and are tired of giving Ted Rogers and all the other CEO’s out there our hard earned money for a service in my mind is still full of flaws in which we’re paying top dollar for. Who needs a phone that can play MP3 when you have an iPod, Who needs a cell phone with a keyboard (too small for the average persons fingers)when you have a portable laptop. Dollar for dollar it’s a service for what it’s intended for, calls! nothing more nothing less.
April 16th, 2008 at 7:32 am
Deep says:
Sure the tab feature is a tricky equivalent of a contract, but it is an alternative to signing a 3 year contract and paying a ransom to leave early. Just pay the remainder of the tab and you’re done.
Plus, Koodo charges by the second just like Fido, so for low end users (like me) it is a pretty good deal.
For call display and voice mail, Fido charges $14, and when you tack on the system fee and 911 fee, it comes to $21.45, plus your monthly plan, plus tax. Now that’s a rip off. With Koodo, $10 for Voice mail and call display.
Koodo also has a 5 essentials plan like rogers for $10 more, so there is another upside for Koodo.
My only concern is the reception quality and amount of dropped calls. Can Telus users please comment on this?
April 17th, 2008 at 7:02 am
Cords says:
I’ve always said I would love to see a cell company that doesn’t screw it’s customers with hidden fees (administration, activation, etc…).
Finally there is one.
Even if the saving aren’t any better than Telus or Bell, at least they aren’t lying to there customers about what they are actually paying.
April 18th, 2008 at 9:29 am
koodomobile fan says:
koodo mobule is the way to go. one of the main reasons why i chose koodo is because they have no contract, and only have to pay off their tab which could be max 150 which is 3 times better then having to pay the leading cell companys cancelation fee. its ridiculous. another thing their 25 talk and text plan i love it i added the addon where u can get free incoming and outgoing calls after 5. im at co-op tell 3:30 in the afternoon and im back at the house just after 4, that gives me an hour left before i can talk for free. its so sweet. the plan comes to like 33.00 (somthing) which is a lot better then having to pay 50 + dollors. koodo is a great phone for students its cheap and they dont have to worry about the cancelation fee if required. i love it!
April 19th, 2008 at 10:01 pm
Sarahbethany says:
Hi there,
I currently make a ton of calls to the states from Canada and have been fighting with Rogers to get on a better plan…the best they could come up with is 800 anytime minutes for $100 a month. Then, on top of that the $20 communication pack for texting and voice mail etc.
I just about jumped through the screen when I saw UNLIMITED LONG DISTANCE to the US!!! If I was on the 1000 minute plan from Koodo, and added the unlimited long distance to the US… would that make my 1000 minutes ‘long distance’ minute? I’m thinking yes, but I really don’t know. :/
Also, I live so close to the US border and what really ticks me off about Rogers is the "accidental roaming charges"… If I don’t call them every month to take them off, then I pay them without noticing if I don’t dissect my bill. Would Koodo still have the same problem?
If anyone could help I’d really appreciate it!
April 20th, 2008 at 8:19 pm
john smith says:
great phone service with no contract …i hate being locked into a long term contract with the costly early termination fees
April 21st, 2008 at 1:38 pm
Pawel says:
The down side is reception. I have a person with Koodo but they keep askin to switch to their homephone cuz they cant hear me well enough, doesnt matter what phone I use.
Cheaper prices = cheaper service/quality.
April 21st, 2008 at 5:01 pm
Dan says:
I am currently using Koodo and the way I see it is if you’re with another company (on a contract), you can get a free (if not close to free) phone, but you’re locked into a 3 year contract with hefty cancelation fees. With koodo, you’re not locked into a 3 year contract per se… and you do not get a free phone… (if you do want a free [or nearly free] phone from koodo, you’re in effect locked into a contract with the tab). With koodo, there are no cancelation fees, but the price of your phone can be viewed as a loss, as you cannot transfer your phone to another carrier, and you did in fact pay for your phone. So in the end, you’re either stuck in a contract with another carrier but get a free phone, or you have no contract but have to pay for your phone with koodo. (or the case where you pay off your phone with the tab… but you may as well be in a contract then).
just my two cents regarding the koodo tab…
April 22nd, 2008 at 12:40 am
Atom says:
Interesting discussion. I think it bears mention that Telus is really going after the young consumer. They’re trying to build brand loyalty. It’s what Fido used to be, but less edgy.
I’m not with Koodo, but I was looking at the offerings from Fido and it’s pathetic. Most young people make tonnes of texts and Ted Rogers KNOWS this… so he aims Fido at young ones and offers little or NO incentive or deals on Text Messaging.
Text messages cost carriers almost $0.00. The reason that it’s limited to 160 characters is because the signal that the phone must constantly maintain to the local cell phone tower to "listen" for incoming rings only allows that much.
So essentially, each text is just a little bit more chatter on an already open connection. And THEY charge 0.15 each to do that.
If you work it out, SMS bandwidth is the most expensive bandwidth on the planet.
If you were to download an average sized iPod it would cost several million dollars to do over SMS.
Koodo is offering unlimited text for $5.
Fido offers 50 messages for $3. Wow… that’s one day’s worth of Text Messages.
April 23rd, 2008 at 9:31 pm
Haedis says:
I was really stressing about getting a cell phone, but I was ecstatic to find Koodo. I haven’t had a phone for a while and I was not looking to pay more than $40.
I pay $40 a month for my plan and I get:
-100 anytime minutes (I know, not much)
-Unlimited text
-Unlimited incoming
-Voicemail, call display, call forwarding and everything else.
-Unlimited evenings and weekends starting at 7
My motorola phone was about $150 which is not bad at all. Yes I did the tab thing, and if I leave granted the phone is useless but I don’t care. It was the best offer out there!
The reception is not amazing and my phone isn’t state of the art but it’s nice. It doesn’t really matter though! I am not the kind of person that blabs on my phone all the time. It’s good to get a hold of people, quick conversations here and there, and Bob’s your uncle. For students I would HIGHLY recommend it. Just be smart about your daytime minutes and just get someone to call you back. Hope this helped.
April 24th, 2008 at 9:28 pm
Beatrice says:
i was on the website for koodo and decided to read some reviews. i’m a student, so it sounds very appealing with the no system access fees. since i am looking for a good plan for texting, i think koodo’s unlimited text is awesome for me! however, the reception is a downfall. but hey, it’s not the best server, so you can’t expect everything to be the best. thanks to the previous reviews. helped a lot! thanks
April 25th, 2008 at 9:06 am
Junior says:
Hi, I’ve been using koodo for a month now & I have no complaints in regards to their networks. Unless you live in a small village or something like that , I don’t think you should worry about the reception . So far I can’t tell the difference with my previous cell phone wich was Rogers .
April 25th, 2008 at 7:59 pm
Michelle says:
hey users of koodo, does anybody here know if their international unlimited texting is truly effective? thanks!
April 26th, 2008 at 10:07 am
Tobie says:
hey michelle, I got a koodo phone a few weeks back. I am not able to send or receive international texts. I can from the states, but not from Ireland. I’m not sure if that has more to do with the specific mobile company in ireland or koodo, but it was a disappointment.
April 26th, 2008 at 6:59 pm
Christina says:
Hi, I’ve been using Koodo for almost a month.
I have to say that the reception on my phone sucks, and so does their customer service! If you email them, don’t expect a reply. Their website is very poorly designed and hard to navigate, and you can’t preview their pricey ringtones before you buy. I am saving some money compared to Bell, but Koodo should spend less on bus shelter ads and more on customer service! A new web-designer would be good too- and how about detailed billing that makes sense?
Koodo= doodoo
April 28th, 2008 at 9:29 am
Hexy27 says:
Who is Koodo after/ Students? late adoptors? or anyone looking for value? There spoof on the 20 minute workout show can’t be targeting youth? so is it parents who buy for their kids? time will tell if this new brand can sustain these rates!
April 29th, 2008 at 9:11 am
Niki says:
Hi, my contract with Telus is up in a month and I am strongly considering going with Koodo. For what I need (lots of texts and little daytime minutes) Koodo comes out on top. My concern is if they are like Telus in that you can only use ringtones from them.
Does anyone know if you can create your own ringtones or download from other ringtone sites?
How much does Koodo want per ringtone and do they have a variety?
April 30th, 2008 at 12:30 pm
Melanie says:
I just bought a Koodo phone/plan after looking at EVERY plan there is to offer here in Edmonton, ALberta, and frankly, Koodo is by far the best. Yes the added add-ons can raise a price, but if you researched everywhere else, this one has the best deals (for the plan I want). The next best would have been Rogers (the My5) but with the amount of minutes, early evenings, etc. the bill was over $65 compared to $55 for my plan with unlimited incoming calls, five essentials (5 ppl I can talk to or they can call me anytime, anwhere in canada unlimited) and voice mail, call display, unlimited text messages and a mere 100 mins a month. But considering how much I call out to numbers not on my 5, it’s rather a good deal. I had a pay-as-you-go phone with Fido, and some months I was paying up to $50, and had to bump it to $20 and use it only in emergencies. I heard Koodo was on Bell towers….is that true?
Anyway, Koodo is good, i like their Motorola W385 phone and the plan is simple. If i don’t want to be with them anymore, all I have to pay is my phone. A measly $125. Heck, the phone belongs to me after that! How can anyone else beat that?!?
April 30th, 2008 at 8:44 pm
Mr I. says:
Hey.. i was just wondering what would happen if they decide to raise the prices on their plans.. you will be sutck with a higher rate than any other company + a tab and a useless phone (not compatible with any other company) not to mention
May 1st, 2008 at 1:51 pm
ZZ says:
Actually, the phones that Koodo is selling are NOT 2 year old Telus phones, like what someone else mentioned on this site.
If you had done your homework (my sis works for the company) you would know that the U410 just came out this summer, the KRZR is around 1 year old, and the W385 is a brand new phone that debuted around Sept…
However, reception-wise, the only one with the best reception (trui-mode on CDMA models aka Koodo phones) is the U410, the other two only have dual-mode reception.
May 3rd, 2008 at 9:55 am
Ron says:
I am seriously considering Koodo. Can any current users tell me what is required for credit approval? Is it just credit card information?
May 3rd, 2008 at 6:03 pm
Dan says:
So my boss at work just informed me that he is with telus, not on pay as you go, but not on a contract either… I called Telus to inquire about this and apparently you can get "contract" rates, but just go month to month on it without actually signing a contract. You don’t get a free phone, but on the other hand… no contract… I wish I had known this much sooner, as just the mere idea of the big three cell companies having month to month "contracts" is outstanding! Basically, all you have to do (in this case anyways) is buy a telus phone outright, then just set it up with the rate plan that you want, and when they ask if you want a one, two or three year contract, you opt for no contract at all. Yes, you pay the monthly system access fee… But in comparison, i’d rather go with Telus, Rogers, or Bell without a contract, then with the new company Koodo without a contract… Reason being is stability… It was already mentioned that what happens if Koodo decides to raise their prices once they establish a customer base? … that is a very real possibility…
Anywhoo, just trying to let everyone know that you can actually get contract rates with the big 3 without actually signing a contract. (and yes, i’m a Koodo customer… and will continue to be one unless they raise their rates)
May 5th, 2008 at 12:18 pm
Ben says:
I agree that Koodo Mobile is the way to go for long distance, basic calls, and text. I LOVE what they are trying to accomplish. However, their phones suck!!! I realize that a basic caller could probably care less (that’s cool), yet a phone that lasts may be something that even a TAB cannot replace. Why wait ’til yours dies. TELUS is decent. I must admint… way better than Rogers or Bell.
May 5th, 2008 at 9:53 pm
shano says:
i say good job to Koodo and good luck in the future. but i don’t realize how they make any money? (maybe it is the goldmine that runs them!).
May 5th, 2008 at 9:54 pm
shano says:
May 5th, 2008 at 10:03 pm
katie says:
RON – to answer your question for the credit check all you need is TWO of the following, SIN card number, Drivers license number and/or credit card. but I always advise never give out your credit card number if you dont have to.
I am with koodo, I love it so far.
I have nothing to complain about. I was previously with rogers and I travel to the states a lot and rogers always rammed me with roaming fees of 3.50 per minute or if i decided to text .60 cents. which is a lot for a txt.
With koodo I pay 1 dollar per minute or just 15 cents for the text msg. Im on the 25 dollar plan for unlimited texting and all that other stuff. which is really good for me since i text mostly and only have to use the phone when needed.
It is affordable and I do reccomend it if you’re looking for something cheaper then Bell, Telus or Rogers.
If you do add things on to your phone that is not included in a plan usually its $5 dollars per extra feature which isn’t bad.
May 6th, 2008 at 7:29 am
jimmy says:
I’m a student and I’m interested in Koodo, but does anyone know if I add the $20 unlimited Canadian long distance does that also give me unlimited local calling or just unlimited within the long distance range?
May 6th, 2008 at 9:40 am
Bell Prepaid says:
Rant & rave all you want about Koodo I’m sticking with Bell Prepaid. My 25.00$ last me 6 weeks. This covers Road Assistance, call display and what ever else. NO contract. If yopu are all against having contracts why not go Prepaid. ??
May 6th, 2008 at 1:54 pm
Jess says:
I’m finally getting a cellphone for the first time and koodo really appeals to me, especially the talk and text combo but the only thing that’s holding me back is the lack of phone selection!
Do you think i’d be able to buy a phone i like from rogers or something (i dont care how much) and use koodo’s plan for it?
May 6th, 2008 at 2:05 pm
Peter says:
Hi Jess, unfortunately not. This is because Rogers uses the GSM network, and thus its phones take SIM cards. Koodo, Telus, Bell, etc. use CDMA networks and thus you usually have to buy phones directly from them. You should call up Koodo and ask them if they can create an account on, say, a Telus phone. This is unlikely but worth asking.
May 6th, 2008 at 2:19 pm
Ben says:
"I’m a student and I’m interested in Koodo, but does anyone know if I add the $20 unlimited Canadian long distance does that also give me unlimited local calling or just unlimited within the long distance range?"
To Jimmy: I called Koodo Mobile and they said that long distance only covers long distance calls, not local. You will use local minutes from your basic plan when making local calls. Long distance is only an add-on.
In regards to the phone selection: I LOVE Koodo’s pricing, especially for long distance, primarily what I would use it for (I’m a student). However, their sad state of phones makes me wonder if going with TELUS would be worth the extra bucks and just get a MyFaves plan (unlimited only for 5 people though). They will eventually come out with new phones, but not for now. Don’t forget, they are still in competition with TELUS, even though under them. Also, they are essentially for people looking for the basics, and nothing more. Fat-free mobility does have its own price that you must choose whether or not to pay: a decent phone is that choice.
May 6th, 2008 at 10:36 pm
Judy says:
In reply to Dan’s email…May 3… I would like to say that what he said about paying without a contract is true! I would like to elaborate through my own experience as a mobile user. I have had the same phone for 17 years (Motorola) and with Bell Mobility. Although everyone says it is a dinosaur, it has given me no trouble and the reception is excellent. Bell sent me a letter recently stating that as of Nov. 16, I will no longer have service because my phone is analog and it is going to be outdated with their new technological system. I am forced to get a new phone or else I won’t have service anymore. I don’t want text messaging, a camera, VM, a phone that tells me which corner I turn left on or one that can tell me when my makeup needs refreshening…..I just want a phone for emergencies!!!
Well…..I went to a Bell store and after 30 minutes, the Rep tried very hard to sell me a phone which a 3 yr. contract was included and that would cost me $55. plus $$$ per month. I pay month by month right now. But you have to know the right questions to ask (do your homework) because they will not offer any free ‘savings’ advice. They are there to sell a contract. After many questions, I found out that I could buy a Bell phone (actually get the phone for nothing because of my trade-in OR perhaps the company you work for (or mommy & daddy) have a Corporate Plan) but then, you would be locked in for a 3 year contract. OR, I can buy a phone from anyone and take it into Bell and they will re-activate the new phone with my same phone number and the same monthly billing amount that I am accustomed to at this present time. I mentioned that my sister upgraded her phone (1 year old) and she said I could have that one. The Bell Rep. said I should bring her phone in to see if was ok first. I pay a monthly System Access Fee of $8.95 and a Fee of $.75 for 911. I have 200 minutes usage monthly for the cost of $25.00 (which includes week- end/day/night calls). So it does pay to ask questions before buying into a 3-yr. contract.
I think I will stay will Bell after reading all the reviews. Sometimes if it seems too good to be true….it just may be! Buyer Beware!
May 7th, 2008 at 3:17 pm
Dan says:
haha, thanks Judy for replying! :D… I actually posted the thing up on April 21st as well :o… anywhoo… it’s true what you’re saying that cell phone companies want to lock people into a contract… they also will also deny having unadvertised rate plans o.O… right when you get a cell phone, the reps usually always try to convince you to go with a three year contract, and all the companies make it seem that you can either ONLY go pay as you go or sign a 1, 2 or 3 year contract… they don’t mention that you can get contract prices but just going month to month…
As for the unadvertised rate plans, that’s another story… students used to be able to (and still might be able to…) get "Employee Purchase Plans [or EPP]" if the school where they go (usually universities and colleges), or rather, the student association makes payments on the student bodie’s behalf to get these promotions… every university in ontario makes these payments as far as I know, and that is why cell phone companies give discounts to students: because students have already paid for this discount in their tuition. At any rate, if you call up a company and explain to them that you’re a member of the "Canadian Federation of Students" — every student is automatically a member of this if you attend university / college… it’s the same organization you can get your "international student id card"… anyways, call up the cell phone company and ask for their Employee Purchase Plans (police and some other groups have access to these plans as well).
I figured i’d mention that as most of Koodo’s Clientelle will probably be students… as their rate plans are targeted at students mainly through their incorporation of "unlimited texts"… so if you’ve got some spare time on your hands and want an awesome rate plan deal from any company, call them up and ask for a supervisor right off the bat (perhaps even the supervisor’s supervisor thereafter…) thing is that most people that answer the phone right off the bat will be unaware of these rate plans as well as the fact you can go month to month without a contract… they’re just really used to people being pay as you go or on a contract…
Have fun!!
May 8th, 2008 at 9:07 am
Chris says:
This message is to Haedis –
paying $40 a month for your plan to get:
-100 anytime minutes (I know, not much)
-Unlimited text
-Unlimited incoming
-Voicemail, call display, call forwarding and everything else.
-Unlimited evenings and weekends starting at 7
Well if you would of gone with Virgin Mobile Canada, you would only be paying $25+GST for this plan:
-100 anytime minutes (Still not great, but with the price)
-Unlimited text
-Unlimited incoming
-Voicemail, call display, call forwarding and everything else.
-Unlimited evenings and weekends starting at 7PM (I would of been better if it started at 6PM but its not a big deal)
to bad your stuck on the koodo plan, I got my phone in april, it cost me 38 with taxes and its a LG Musiq, its a real good phone.
May 9th, 2008 at 10:05 am
Zach says:
Koodo Mobile is a company that many people have been logning for, espically those teens who’s parents are too stubborn to get them a cellular phone because of the dreaded "Contract". Koodo mobile is different. Even though the thought of a Telus owned comapny would be less than appealing, Koodo delivers, where it’s counterpart fails. Koodo offers only a small selection of phones, which would probably be it’s biggest drawback, but overall it delivers, and the KRZR is a stylish phone in itself.
– Great Plans, Great Value
– Great Reception, Few dropped calls
– No System access fee (Online)
– No 991 fees
– All plans come with text
– Very very cheap add-ons such as (Unlimited text, Voicemail and Caller display, for 10$) or (unlimited incoming calling for 10$) which makes out to be great for the everyday, and even the hardcore texter and phone junkie.
– Great customer service and quick responses to e-mails.
– All phones offered are stylish and up to par with the mobile world.
– Koodo tab is good for those who do not want to pay 75$-150$ up front for a phone.
– Great for teens, and all plans make the decision of parents to get them a phone, easier.
– Only 3 phones to choose from
– Can’t go with the Koodo tab when you buy from retailers such as (Wal-mart)
– Phones are a little pricey, but thats what the koodo tab is for.
– There is fees for calling customer service from your cellular phone.
Overall Koodo Mobile is a great provider that promises great service and great value, now and in the future.
May 12th, 2008 at 9:41 pm
Darrin says:
Hi all I am a Koodo mobile user and have no complaints at all about the phones, reception, or service. I work in a fairly loud environment and the people I called said they could not here the background noise at all
Now then, I would however like to point out a flaw with a posting from Zach. In your pros/cons area you had said you cannot get the tab from retailers, this is not so. I bought two of the Motorol KRZRs WITH the tab at wal-mart here in Calgary and had no porblems whatsoever.
Yes there is a fee for customer service, but most problems you can fix yourself witj there self-help section on the website otherwise it does not cost you if you use a land line(home/office) phone.
On the whole a great phone with a great company Iwould recomend it to anuone sick of paying the big company prices/
May 18th, 2008 at 5:40 am
Ron says:
Thank you Darrin for your information. It is what convinced me to go ahead yesterday. I walked into a Future Shop in Moncton NB – walked out ten minutes later with a great little phone! The reception is excellent, the Motorola 385 is a great little phone! My sales guy said they have had 90 activations for Koodoo in the last two months compared to 10 for each of their other options. Future Shop activated it for me and I am on the tab….I like that – I was willing to pay for the phone up front if I had to – but extremely happy that I didn’t have to! I’m paying $25.00 a month for exactly what I need (100 anytime minutes, evenings weekends free, 50 text messages and voice mail – all without any monthly system access fee). Just wanted to share!
May 19th, 2008 at 8:59 am
Jordon says:
I got a Koodo phone just recently. I walked into my local Walmart and they set it all up on the tab (with the W385 phone). I love the lack of contract (though, as has been pointed out, you have to buy your phone if you cancel). What I LOVE is that you can change your options every month. Right now I have their "Five Essentials" plan for $30. It allows me to call 5 numbers anywhere in Canada unlimited. I can change those numbers once a month if I want. I can also add or remove add-ons and change my plan entirely from month to month to suit my needs. I live in New Brunswick and Koodo runs off of Aliant’s cell towers, so the reception is the same as the Aliant alternative, which is quite decent. All in all, I like it. The phone is good, the plan is good, the reception is good. I highly recommend it.
May 19th, 2008 at 2:47 pm
Koodo Girl says:
I Saw I few things in this feed about reception and a few where they said Telus’s reception was not the best, and Bell was better.
Question, What does that have to do with Koodo? You guys DO know that Koodo runs off Telus AND Bell’s network right? Anywhere a CDMA phone will work, Koodo will work. You Do not have to stay in Telus’s reception area to get service.
Another thing, Yes Koodo does only have 3 phones BUT! We are getting new phones with in the next few months.
Koodo is also not ment to talk your ear off during the day, or surf the net all day on your phone.If you need those things then Yes, go to Telus.
Koodo is something for Gen Y who is looking to ditch their home phone and would rather text during the day, and talk at night when its free.
Koodo is not for everyone, but It is a new and better option for those who hate the other companies.
May 20th, 2008 at 2:53 pm
Niki says:
Anyone have any comments about ringtones?
May 20th, 2008 at 7:45 pm
marcus says:
yahhhh i was wondering the same thing about ringtones? would you be able to download/ make your own and put them on your phone through usb? or do you have to pay for them?
May 25th, 2008 at 2:12 am
Taylor says:
I have 2 fears with Koodo:
1) If they bump up their rates, does this only effect new customers?? Or because you are technically not on a contract they can indeed bump up rates and you will then have to pay for them?
2) On my rogers payasyougo, voice mail sucks. You get dinged whatever rate (daytime 39 cents) everytime someone lets it ring all the way to your voicemail, even if they dont leave a message!!! I cant stand that, I wanna be able to have voice mail and not get dinged for ignoring calls.
May 25th, 2008 at 3:21 am
Taylor says:
Upon further review, I decided to check out Virgin Mobile.
Pretty much the exact same as Koodo, but it feels a little safer.
Rates dont go up because you on a contract, HOWEVER you may leave at anytime but you will have to pay 10 bucks for every month you have remaining on your contract.
These phones will also work on most networks if you decide to leave, unlike Telus/Koodo.
I plan on getting the Razr2 now, and if I purchase my 3 year "contract" by June 15 I get..:
Unlimited Txt. – Free Evenings/Weekends – Unlimited local calls – 100 anytimes minutes – Voicemail, Caller ID, Call Waiting – For…..
$35 a month!!! (Before taxes) (Phones 150, Razr2)
No system access fee etc.
Its your call, to be honest id rather go with Koodos, but the fact they could raise rates and then id be stuck with a usless phones bothers me.
May 29th, 2008 at 11:49 pm
Gary says:
On the long distance side, look at a service like Alligato ( www.alligatomobile.com ). Very easy to use and much better value than LD plans from any of the mobile carriers. Get the best phone/local calling combo and then use Alligato for your LD.
Judy, BTW, do you still have your analog Motorola? Would you be interested in parting with it / selling it?
May 30th, 2008 at 3:06 pm
jenn says:
I got a Koodo plan.
Left telus for it. I had the all coveted "Talk Halifax" plan that gave unlimited local calling all the time. It was 30$ a month, however, voicemail was 5$ (going up to 7$ june 1) and caller ID another 5$, texting was per use and then there was those access fees.
The plan I took with Koodo was $30/month with a "my five" unlimited talk/text anywhere in canada. and for an extra 10$ I added unlimted text, voicemail and caller id.
My reception is fantastic (and always was with telus) however i’m a bit annoyed that downloading outside ringtones is disabled. I tried getting a ringtone off of myxer and it won’t let me….
June 5th, 2008 at 12:23 am
Maddie says:
i was thinking of getting koodo but it made me think now which one is better: koodo or virgin mobile?
is the unlimited text in both virgin and koodo applies to text message sent in the US? thanks a lot.
June 5th, 2008 at 12:28 am
Bree says:
Unlimited evening and weekend minutes
100 anytime minutes included
is the unlimited evening and weekend min counted to the 100 anytime minutes?
June 5th, 2008 at 9:44 am
Niki says:
I re-signed with Telus recently and asked that same question about texts to the US. Unlimited texts do include the US, as it is not considered an international country.
If you are like me and your Telus contract is coming to an end and you are thinking of switching, do your homework and give Telus a chance to match competitors first.
I was strongly considering Koodo, but I also heard that if you threaten to go elsewhere that Telus will give you freebies.
It’s true. I called the Loyalty department and told them what I wanted and that I could get it cheaper from another company. They offered me a free phone on a 3 year contract (normally costing $30) as well as a free Bundle20 which includes unlimited texting, call display and voicemail for my 3 year term. $20/month * 36 months = $720 in savings over 3 years!
That with the ‘Talk to me’ (unlimited incoming and 100 anytime minutes) plan will put me at $25 + SAF which will be around $35/month. Not bad at all!
June 5th, 2008 at 9:28 pm
Breanne says:
if I have a virgin unlimited evenings and weekend and someone calls me from the usa is it considered a local call and is it still unlimited or no? please answer thanks.
June 8th, 2008 at 6:53 pm
Tenisha says:
koodo is awesome
and i love it
and imma stick with it
June 11th, 2008 at 10:29 pm
Cynthia says:
I am unclear on the tab concept. Say for example, you pay $50 a month for your plan, if 10% goes towards the price of your phone, is 10% extra added to your bill to cover the phone or does koodo take 10% of your monthly bill and put it towards the price?
June 12th, 2008 at 9:26 pm
Liam says:
So if I leave Koodo and pay off my Koodo tab is my phone essentially a paper weight? Why would I not be able to use it with another provider later? Also, any idea when new phones are coming out and which phones?
June 14th, 2008 at 9:14 am
Brittanie says:
well i`m thinking about getting a Koodo phone myself.
Does Koodo have Pay and Talk accounts? and if so where do you get there cards?
someone please let me know.
[email protected]
June 14th, 2008 at 11:17 am
tina says:
it really gives ur international sms unlimited for $10….im using it but problem is it doesnt work that good…u can send txt msg but recive very less bakkk sooo it not that grea8 of a comapny
June 14th, 2008 at 9:56 pm
Grammar Nazi says:
"u can send txt msg but recive very less bakkk sooo it not that grea8 of a comapny"
*Brain Explodes*
June 14th, 2008 at 10:37 pm
Breanne says:
VIRGIN MOBILE NO RIP OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
June 15th, 2008 at 3:59 pm
Miggy Smalls says:
I’ve been on Virgin for 2.5 years. There plans are alright, but Koodo has the unlimited long distance to 5 numbers.. any LD with Virgin is going to kill you.
Plus tab gets you a free-ish phone after a period of time.
I think if you want to go above the 25 or 30 dollar Koodo plans, you will beat Virgin easily…
Only thing I miss free call display from Virgin.
June 15th, 2008 at 9:36 pm
What’s all the talk about says:
It’s funny how all I see on the net are complaints how how cellular companys "forced" people to get a new phone on a contract…or all the could go with is a $200 discount……etc..etc. Excuse me…a cell is a luxury everyone….no one is forcing anyone to do anything. Things is you get a lower price for a longer agreement. Which most people fine and dandy, but the went they drop their phone in water…etc….suddenly they forget about the deal they for the hardware the first time around and suddenly the cell company they are with are CRAP because they won’t give them a deal. Then there is this crap talk about hidden /extra fees….well, there are monthly set fees for hydro…..terasen gas…then you are charged your usage…so what gives people….why are people so whiney?????
June 16th, 2008 at 3:41 am
Brittanie says:
i might be going with the Koodo phones.
& i was wondering, can you text to Manitoba?
does it work well .
can someone please let me know how the texting works.
thanks a million !<3
June 16th, 2008 at 9:59 am
Megan says:
The 5 unlimited long distance to 5 people thing with Koodo is just within Canada they must be canadian number ..
June 16th, 2008 at 4:49 pm
Kat says:
I’ve been on Koodo for about a month now and I like it much better than the prepaid plans I used to be with Rogers or Fido. I’m not a big talker, in fact I only talk regularly with a couple close people.
So what I needed was unlimited calling or texting with just a few people and the Fav5 feature is perfect for me.
I’m taking one of the lowest price plan combinations but even then, I don’t find Koodo particularly cheap if I were to add on the basic features like call display or additional day or night minutes.
For 25$ per month I’m restricted to my 5 favorite numbers mainly.
Compared to what I used to have, this is definitely better although there is a compromise when you have to select good plan rates over handset selection or service.
I find it ironic that Koodo encourages abundant talk or texting although none of their phones actually hold up to the test. The battery lives are poor. My KRZR never lasts more than a day, I charge it fully every night and by the end of the day the battery is close to drained.
I do hope they come out with newer models soon because I’m finding their selection quite disposable. Some people might complain that their phones are expensive or cannot be used on any other network, therefore they are just a paper weight when you’re done.. but this is what happens anyways. Most people don’t keep cell phones for more than a couple years. Even on the other contract carriers, once your term is done, you can select a new phone.
Koodo is an interesting concept and appeals to anyone who wants out of a contract, to switch from prepaid or get their first cell phone.
You gotta do your own research and evaluatethe pros and cons.
In the end, better pricing is the bottom line for me.
June 17th, 2008 at 5:13 pm
MEGZ says:
I’m seriously considering getting a Koodo phone and i have never had a cell phone before but i have been looking into EVERYTHING.
basically i LOVE this so far. But the tab sucks, but obviously not as much as having to pay to get out of a contract. My only question is does anyone know how the reception might be on the hamilton mountain?
And is the Motorola W385 an okay phone on the plan?
June 17th, 2008 at 5:15 pm
MEGZ says:
AND if u have unlimited texting does it matter if you want to text long distance.. ?
June 23rd, 2008 at 2:49 pm
Chris says:
I would like to add: I tried out 3 Koodo phones at my local Futureshop, and they all suck. Forget the service, a bad phone will piss you off more than anything. I have the PEPL, (got it for free from Fido points) and the only reason I’m staying is I love the way this phone flips open.
Koodo also has unlimited Canadian Long Distance for $20, which us usually need a land line to get a deal like that.
June 24th, 2008 at 11:18 am
david says:
Question:::::: How well does koodo work for international texting
I was told that it does not work very CDMA to GSM
can anybody confirm that- sending emails is easy – but not receiving them
June 25th, 2008 at 11:49 am
B Shaw says:
International texting works as long as Koodo has an agreement with the cellphone company in that country. They list of over 90 countries and providers here:
June 29th, 2008 at 10:19 pm
Dmitri says:
One year ago I used to have a phone from Telus mobility. The quality of reception was great, and I loved it. Then I decided not to have a cell-hone at all, and cancel the contract – it costed me about 125 dollars. Then I switched to regular home line owned by Telus, with call display option, and my total bill was about 40 dollars.
Yesterday I bought a Koodo phone. I had some worries about its reception, but as soon as a clerk from Futureshop told me, that Koodo is owned by Telus – I had no worries about it. Look, I got a contract for 25 dollars (includes call forwarding, call conference, call waiting, 100 minutes anywhere, evening calls start at 7 p.m.) + for 10 dollars I got unlimited text messaging, call display, Voicemail) + for 5 dollars I got evenings start at 5 p.m. = totally it’s 35 dollars. I work from 8 a.m. till 4:30 p.m. and I can’t talk on the phone anyway, and as soon I am done with my work – I get a free time. And it’s still cheaper then my regular phone line + I am mobile.
Yes, I know..the Tab option. But when I cancelled the regular Telus mobility contract, I had to pay about 125 dollars (or even 150, I don’t remember), and with Koodo I will pay only whatever is left for the price of the phone, which they gave me. I think it’s quite fare. At least I don’t have to pay those stupid cancellation fees and service fees.
July 2nd, 2008 at 9:56 am
Vic says:
Any montreal users of Koodo? reception ok? how about up north or along the 410 to toronto?
possibly changing from rogers
July 2nd, 2008 at 1:41 pm
Tibor says:
Reception is as great as any of the other guys if not better in some spots. I don’t think you would be dissapointed. I’m using the phone in Montreal and so far I have no complaints.
July 3rd, 2008 at 7:27 am
Vic says:
Thinking of the Motorola krzr k1m – its $50 at best buy and I live in montreal but travel to toronto often
July 4th, 2008 at 1:16 pm
Vic says:
So far so good the transistion from rogers went smoothly – note if u do get the Motorola krzr k1m – it doesn’t have the best battery but is a fun phone
next week i’m heading to toronto and will b focussing on reception
July 4th, 2008 at 6:15 pm
Liz says:
I’m with Bell right now..and when I received a letter saying their call display alone was going up to $7 I nearly lost it… (I used to have a free call display promo with them but it expired – another Bell "perk")
Why do people say Virgin is cheaper??…after browsing their website, I see $25 plans for unlimited evening + weekends, and unlimited texts, but I still have to add on voice mail & call display for $10. That brings me up to $35.
After looking at Koodo’s site, I can get unlimited evening + weekend, and add on call display, voicemail, AND unlimited text all for $10. That brings me up to $30. And I won’t have a contract like Virgin, just the cost of the phone (The Samsung is cheapest with only a $75 TAB)….
The Bell contract I will have to quit now will cost me $160
But I think it’s worth it. I will definitely switch to Koodo.
July 4th, 2008 at 6:24 pm
Liz says:
Sorry, earlier typo!…I meant Koodo has a 100 minute, unlimited evening & weekend plan for $20… (under their build your own bundle option)….
so then i can add on voice mail, call display, and unlimited texts for $10 for ALL THREE!! $30 total!!
I don’t know where some of you guys are getting free voice mail & call display with Virgin, maybe it was like that at the beginning but not anymore, according to their website
Virgin is very close to pricing, I think with Koodo…but it’s half owned by Bell (and the reception I’ve had with Bell is simply horrible, it cannot get worse than this)…
Yeah I know Koodo doesn’t have much in terms of phones just yet, but when more people switch it will probably get better….
July 6th, 2008 at 7:56 pm
Caitlin says:
I’m planning on switching to Koodo when my 3-year Bell contract finishes next March (finally!).
Anyway, I was looking at their website the other day and noticed that they have just added a new phone-the LG Shine. My sister just got that phone a couple months ago through Telus and it’s really nice. It’s good to see that they are already adding new phones to their selection that are good quality.
July 7th, 2008 at 8:43 am
Vic says:
had no issues going from montreal to ottawa – always a signal
what really got me to switch is the 5 buddie thing….talk to 5 friends (land lines too) for free even if its long distance in canada and u can switch the 5 friends every month
July 7th, 2008 at 9:01 pm
Jeff says:
I recently signed up for the $20 100 min plan (June 30th). I added 5pm evenings and CD, VM, and unlimited text for 10 bucks. If you look now on their website this last option is no longer offered. Now the deal is unlimited messages (Picture & Text) for 15 dollars. I assume this is in response to Telus and Bell announcing that they would start charging for incoming text messages.
July 8th, 2008 at 7:58 pm
Charles E. Frees-Melvin says:
This is not the first kick at the can for telus, remember the failed "Mike" service. It is pretty bad when the big cell phone conglomerates have to use other names to market their stuff, Bell (Solo/Virgin/PC Mobile) Rogers (Fido), Telus (failed Mike/koodo). Although to be fair Fido was a new competitor, that even built its own towers and offered a threat to the providers, which is why bell and telus helped finace it’s takeover by Rogers. Considering just months before Rogers bankrolled large debt and exausted its credit to by itself back from AT&T after almost loosing it’s shirt on the Cantel Deal,
July 9th, 2008 at 8:55 pm
Koodo sucks says:
I’ve recently ordered two cell phones from koodo and
1) not one of the phones has worked so far
2) it is impossible to get a customer service rep. (maybe because it’s new)
3) When i did get through to a rep., i was told to do the same thing to my phones… 6 times so far. I told them it didn’t work, but they just kept telling me to do the same thing. At the end of the 30 min. conversation, they just tell you that they are going to investigate the problem. They also tell you they’ll get back to you in a day or two, but they never do. Even after a week, they don’t update you!
4) the customer service reps. usually don’t speak fluently english and are extremely rude
5) There are many complaints about Koodo’s reception on google.ca
After 2 weeks with this company, i would not recommend Koodo phones to anybody. It is the worse company i’ve ever been with (and i’ve been with almost all!)
July 13th, 2008 at 8:20 am
Cynthia says:
How is the battery life with the LG Shine?
July 15th, 2008 at 11:45 am
Eric says:
I’m really considering Koodo. I like the idea of no contract, and after looking for hidden fees and other things that might end up screwing me if I decide to leave Koodo, I’m happy to say I couldn’t find any. (the Tab doesn’t count, since the small price of the phone that you would have had to pay for anyways with another provider is much better than a huge cancellation fee). Probably going to get the W385, as it got the highest review on CNET.com, which is where I go for all my tech reviews.
July 17th, 2008 at 1:11 pm
catherine says:
koodo is great!
July 18th, 2008 at 11:58 am
john thrash says:
well…i used to be through rogers but where i live i cant get any signal, but with koodo i get at least 1-2 bars. better than nothing and comon, i got an LG SHINE for 70 bucks at future shop, and i got a sweet plan that has everything i need for $35 and no hidden fees. I dont need a blackberry, ill use a real computer thanks. i want a cell phone that is meant to be a cell phone first, media resource second.
July 18th, 2008 at 11:53 pm
Ken says:
Some people have asked how Koodo can possibly make money with these "low" rates. Well, just letting you know… Canada has some of the most expensive cell phone rates in the world! Basically we’re all getting ripped off here. Koodo is still making lots of money. Don’t be fooled.
I have had cell phones in different countries. So far, the WORST company I know is Fido. I was very unhappy with the service and the AWFUL reception, so I switched to Rogers. Yeah, I know Fido is part of Rogers but there’s a HUGE difference in terms of reception and service.
Now I’m thinking about switching to Koodo because of their low rates, but I’m worried about the reception. Does anyone know if Koodo’s reception is good in downtown Toronto?
July 22nd, 2008 at 6:43 am
Joe says:
Just a heads up to people looking at Koodo phones. I picked up the Shine yesterday at Best Buy, and they are having a deal where they cover any cost over the $150 tab. Basically, you get the $225 LG Shine by maxing out your $150 tab – which you can pay off when you want, saving $75 on the phone. Plus the in store activation (which is free) took all of about 10 minutes.
July 22nd, 2008 at 8:36 pm
Kara says:
how old do you have to be to get a plan from koodo?
i read above that all u need is a SIN & driver’s licence or credit card … but can the driver’s licence be class G1?
July 22nd, 2008 at 8:37 pm
Kara says:
p.s. joe, when does the best buy promo for koodo end ?
July 23rd, 2008 at 2:17 pm
Vic says:
So far very happy – yes the signal isn’t as strong as rogers – but that is only when i’m in teh basement garage and the garage door closed.
Last trip to toronto, from MTL – no problem
love the 5 people thing – esp being long distance
July 24th, 2008 at 7:44 pm
curt says:
do u have to be 18 and older to get a koodo plan ?
July 28th, 2008 at 1:07 pm
…… says:
You have to be 19 years or older to get a koodo
You need your SIN or a credit card…and a valid id to prove your age.
I’m thinking of getting the new 25 dollar plan that has:
100 anytime minutes
unlimited messaging
unlimited 7 pm evenings and weekends
Includes Call Waiting, Call Forwarding, Conference Calling, 911 and Per-Second Billin
I know with taxes it comes out to around 28 dollars but are they’re any other fees?
July 30th, 2008 at 5:28 am
July 30th, 2008 at 4:57 pm
Icee says:
So far, I’ve been happy with how Koodo is comparing to how I was using my phone in the past. I was with Telus using a pay-as-you go of $50. At 25 cents a minute for incoming/outgoing calls, text messages, and checking voicemail, I was rounding up $100 a month. Which, was ridiculous because that’s how much my bill was coming to when I was with Rogers.
Just recently, I’ve switched to Koodo. Although they don’t have as many phone selections, it wasn’t a big deal. The tab seems like a great idea because although it doesn’t say it’s a contract, it does make it easier to get out of one. So, with a $150 tab, let’s say every year they take out $50, which means that to finish the tab, you would have to hold on to the same phone for about 3 years. If not, you pay to get a new phone.
I decided to add $5 voicemail, $5 caller ID, and $10 top-5 favorites for unlimited text messaging and calling. On top of that the $25 talk and text, my bill with tax comes to $50 a month. With that, I am saving myself $50 every month which is incredible especially when it comes to phones.
The down side is, as of today, I’ve had terrible reception. I couldn’t make outgoing calls and when I received a call, I couldn’t hear the person on the other side. When they called again later, I could barely hear him – his voice was lower than a whisper. No idea how to fix it, but I’m guessing the reception just sucks, period.
July 30th, 2008 at 4:58 pm
Icee says:
Oh, and in addition. You need to have a valid photo ID card and a credit identification card, such as a credit card, SIN card number, or driver’s license.
July 31st, 2008 at 3:16 pm
Nathan says:
Lets say im 17 years old would they give me a plan without my parent or would i need my parents there when i tried to open it in say walmart cause thats the closest to me plus i got money to just straight out buy it
August 5th, 2008 at 7:08 pm
Ed says:
i recently got the LG shine, i am liking everything so far….accept for the text. Whenever i text or someone texts me, there is like a 5 minute delay…when i was with virgin they were almost instantly sent. Is anyone else noticing this when they text? or is it just me