International texting | Koodo Mobile | Forum

5:19 am
I have just recently tried out Koodo because of its infamous unlimited international texting service.
I finally figured out that I have to use 011 instead of the + (plus) symbol at the begining of the destinated phone number and able to send my text message.
The problem is, my relatives in Jakarta, Indonesia were not able to send anything back, even replying my message back (they said it keeps on 'pending') from the sms I sent. We have tried to use (+) and without it. Still not working! I've never encountered this kind of issue before with GSM provider.
Would you be kind to assist me with this, please?
Thank you,
7:31 pm
i dont have this issue ,which is great, and the reason why your realtives might not be able to text you back is because thier phone and or phone company might not allow texting to other countries..its probably a problem on thier side xD, not koodo, also it can "glitch" which has happened to me, i had days where no messages would send or they would send hours later , same goes for recivieng, and its becuase all those sms get sent to xD this big central place , then sent xD to the destination,
7:01 pm
If you are having troubles sending messages you could try another service called FishText. They cover over 200 countries for just over 1p a message from your phone. It is definitely worth checking out.