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Focus Group research with Koodo Customers
February 2, 2009
2:12 pm

There is a marketing research project happening in Toronto and Vancouver with customers of Koodo Mobile. I was contacted about this project and it is pretty cool. I know that there are very few spots left.

I heard that the research is actually an ethnography - the researcher would come to your home for 2.5 hours, plus there is a small online discussion board thing that you have to do for 2 days prior to the in-home research. The whole thing pays $250 which is pretty high for a market research study.

I would suggest contacting the research company - their email address is [email protected] or their telephone number is 1-877-714-0880.

Check it out - I didn't qualify to participate but I am sure that there are people who use their phone for more interesting things than talk and text - which is what they are looking for.

