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Extremely Poor Service & System
August 23, 2011
5:07 am

Hello. On August 22nd, 2011 I went to the Edmonton Southgate Centre Koodo kiosk to purchase an iPhone 16GB. At first, I did not realize it was that model so I took it back after only ten minutes of having it and asked for a 32GB instead, my mistake. They said they were out of stock there so I returned the phone. Now, here is where everything goes south on me. The girl working there at the time refunded my money correctly but unfortunately, this is the ONLY correct thing she did. She did not put into the system that I was back to using my LG Keybo and so, ever since, has been completely unusable I'm paying money at this moment to use my unusable phone because of it. She also put into the computer on my tab (because I had used all $150 towards buying the iPhone) that I now OWED KOODO $150, not $0 like it should have been, I was told. I live 120km away from this kiosk location and on the phone, the representatives told me I have to go back to the kiosk in order to restore my phone. Which I would have to do in 14 days or less, or "otherwise they would probably play games with you", I was told by a rep. Later I just decided I was completely unsatisfied with Koodo and I want to completely wipe my name from the system, cancel my account. As I'm typing this message right now, I still have to take time off work, use gas money to drive all the way back there to cancel my service and not on the phone. They said I could cancel it on the phone but the man told me I would have to pay $150 otherwise. Frown

August 30, 2011
8:47 am

They really have slow service must wait at least 40-50 mins to have Tech rep on the line, but the worst service in Montreal is offered by DCITelecom - they are cheating and always have hidden fees and are charging to the minute

September 1, 2011
1:13 am

did you know that you could reconnect your old phone yourself online?? i had a similar problem, but luckily i have a friend who used to work as a cell phone CSM. You just have to change the ridiculously long number that is on your phone, under the battery. :)Smile