
How to open blister packs / clamshell plastic packaging

First published on December 23, 2006

Stories such as this one are far too common. But, while some plastic packages are near impossible to open without bringing out heavy duty scissors, first consider your cutting technique. I used to cut straight across the packaging and then try to rip it open like so:

The bad technique for opening plastic packaging

However, try cutting around the perimeter of the packaging, just inside of where the plastic is sealed together at the edges. If you’re right-handed, start on the right… the image below is best for left-handed people:

The better technique for opening plastic packaging

Now, this won’t solve all of the problems of the packaging, but if you are like me and were using the technique illustrated in the first picture, then you might benefit from this! Oh, and see if your municipality recycles the plastic for when you’ve succesfully opened the package without any injuries.


5 Responses to “How to open blister packs / clamshell plastic packaging”

  1. Melissa says:

    This is a good tip! I hate to admit that I wasn’t bright enough to think of it on my own….

  2. Rico says:

    I used to do it just like you used to. One time I cut right throught the instruction booklet that was hidden inside. Now I cut along the outside just as you describe.

  3. Packaging News You Can Use » Blog Archive » In Response to My Article 01.10.07 says:

    [...] “I Hate Packaging” by JoAnn Hines Packaging Diva MARK PATINKIN: The Bad Invention Hall of Fame (SH) – I had a traumatic thing happen to me this week. I received a big box packed with plastic foam peanuts.  Extreme anger caused by product packaging that is difficult to open… is called “Wrap Rage”. Freeing the toys, electronics and other gifts of the holiday season from their bulletproof packaging can require the strength of Superman and patience of Job.  “The Death Of The Plastic Clamshell” by JoAnn Hines Packaging Diva How to open blister packs / clamshell plastic packaging But, while some plastic packages are near impossible to open without bringing out heavy duty scissors, first consider your cutting technique. I used to cut straight across the packaging and then try to rip it open like so: However, … [...]

  4. jg says:

    Thank you for the helpful tip.

  5. Steve Fisher says:

    I agree that going around the outside is the best practice, but would suggest a new device called the Zip-it Opener can accomplish this far easier than any other device. It is battery powered (2AA) and operates on the principal of a can opener. You press the trigger to activate the roller blade to slice (or zip) off the sealed edge of the package. It is simple to use, requires little strength or dexterity, and is safe. People suffering from arthritis will especially appreciate this opener. It actually makes opening these difficult packages fun. See the video on the web site Being the inventor I am bias, but it really does work.

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