NeilMed Sinus Rinse review: natural relief for allergy and cold sufferers via nasal irrigation
First published on September 15, 2010
When you have a cold or allergy, the suffering is made worse when you have snot stuck up your nasal cavity and/or allergens such as grass, pollen, and dust particles. Particularly for me, residual snot when I have a cold gives an annoying dry cough that worsens at night.
Prevention is of course the best solution, but that’s for another discussion.
As a relief alternative, I’ve never really liked medicated nasal spray — I get a gross-tasting drip down the back of my throat and an odd feeling in the nose itself. Plus, sometimes I’d rather suffer moderately than take medication.
In my opinion, a more palatable alternative is nasal irrigation (basically, rinsing out your nose). The main downside compared to a medicated nasal spray is that nasal irrigation doesn’t do anything to reduce the negative effect of the irritants (or snot, in general) when they return. However, nasal irrigation is mostly natural and harmless, and can certainly provide relief. I first tried this by snorting salt water, but it was uncomfortable and provided little relief. Actually, I first tried this by snorting just water, which is a terrible idea and it burns. Then I discovered NeilMed Sinus Rinse:
The concept is simple: first, you gently blow your nose. Then, you squeeze a bottle of solution up one nostril, into your nasal cavity and out the other nostril, thus cleaning out your sinuses and the general inside of your nose. Then you gently blow your nose again and repeat the process up the other nostril. (A similar but lower-pressure technique is to use a neti pot.) When I’m suffering, I perform this rinse about twice a day.
NeilMed provides single-use packets of a salt and sodium bicarbonate mixture, as well as a squeeze bottle. It is very easy to use, feels good even during the process, and provides instant (albeit temporary) relief.
The price of the NeilMed Sinus Rinse will vary depending on the particular combination of the number of bottles and mixture packets that are included in the package. It’s about $25 or less for either a bottle and 50 packets, or 100 packets.
I would certainly recommend trying it out. In my experience, the relief it provides has no negative side effects, can improve my sleep, and also alleviates suffering during the day.
Although I use and enjoy NeilMed Sinus Rinse, I do not think that it is a completely necessary product. The mixtures come in single-use packets, it’s packaged and shipped from relatively far away (although not from overseas), and its costs could add up. It is convenient, but someone could probably replicate it at home. If you’re going to try nasal rinsing, or are already doing so with NeilMed Sinus Rinse or a similar product, consider the following:
- The squeeze bottle works well because there is a marked fill line and you can easily shoot the solution up your nose. NeilMed recommends that you replace the bottle every couple of months, of course with the branded bottle. Perhaps you could find a similar and more long-lasting bottle.
- The solution mixture is just salt and baking soda, so you could technically measure and pour out similar amounts yourself. It would just take some work to arrive at the proper amounts and combination.

September 27th, 2010 at 6:47 pm
Brian says:
Nasal irrigation is one of my preferred ways of dealing with colds and sinus infections. You can find some really easy recipes for making your own saline solutions on WebMD and other health sites. You will not regret trying this type of alternative medical treatment.
October 5th, 2010 at 10:02 pm
Dan says:
I think you’re not supposed to use table salt because it has iodine in it, which is irritating. So, be careful with which salt source you use.
March 3rd, 2011 at 10:33 pm
jesse says:
just tried this less than an hour ago for the first time. been working on the back of a garbage truck for three years getting dust and stuff up my nose, basically wanted to clean it up and maintain cleaning the sinus. it felt uncomfortable at first, probably because i didn’t notice the fill line and might have used too little/much water (i have the neti pot) i haven’t noticed any major difference yet, a bit though, since the kit i have came with 50 packets i’ll just keep using it.
the info booklet says not to use table salt or regular baking soda because of impurities, but you can buy, for cheap, medical grade Saline solution, not sure what you could replace the "sodium bicarbonate" with though, maybe contact Arm & Hammer and ask about impurities or something?
will be looking for home made stuff though, i like the idea of being able to give my nasal a deep cleaning..
October 12th, 2011 at 7:21 am
marla says:
I have suffered with allergies and asthma for years; and this year in our area we had flooding so it caused a breeding ground for all sorts of molds and fungus as well as being too moist for people with allergies ;which is deadly as we allergy sufferers know. Well to make a long story short ; I came down with a bad case of sinus and bronchial infection that I have never had with my allergies !!! After receiving a prescription for antibiotics my druggist recommended Neilmed Sinus rinse. Well ,I wish I had known about nasal rinses and used them years ago, then I wouldn’t have suffered so much as I do. The relief I get is instant and pleasant and is the most wonderful thing that I have done for my sinuses yet !!!!! I can’t say enough wonderful things about this sinus rinse and I look forward to being on the road back to good health.