
Extracting images from a Word document: don’t use Word! Use!

First published on December 23, 2006

When you have images embedded in Word documents, the easiest way to extract them is to save the document as an HTML file; Word then dumps the images into a sub-folder.

However, if you are using an open source word processor such as Writer, files saved in OpenDocument format (.odt extension) exist in some weird cross between a .zip file and an XML file. To extract images from an .odt file, rename the file with the extension .zip. Open this .zip file and you should be able to extract your images. Then you can just rename the file back to the .odt extension and continue working as if nothing happened.

So there’s another reason to consider an open source office suite. Not only is it free, but there are some cool format advantages.


One Response to “Extracting images from a Word document: don’t use Word! Use!”

  1. Deeds says:

    Thanks for the tip! It really works!

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