My (unfavourable) review of Digisonic’s wireless headphones
First published on March 24, 2007
I never enjoy bashing a product, but hey, if someone’s unsure about whether they should buy a product, they ought to be able to read about other user experiences instead of relying solely on the slick marketing flyers for information! I did a Google search for this product and found no reviews!
My parents bought these Digisonic wireless headphones (two pairs) and I had the pleasure of setting them up and testing them out. Setup was easy — you plug the transmitter into the audio source, whether that’s a television, stereo, or other audio product. Then you turn both the transmitter and headphones on and poof — wireless sound (in theory). I tested this out both on a TV and a computer and had a similar experience on both.
Here’s what the flyer claims and my corresponding comments:
-Crystal clear listening for hard to hear words and voices: at full volume on the headphones and medium volume on the source, I had to strain to hear anything through the headphones, and there was a static buzz.
-Perfect for those with slight, medium or extreme hearing difficulties: I don’t have any hearing difficulties (yet) but unless I cranked the volume on the source, the sound was quite poor.
-Volume control located on the headset: Yes, this is true.
-Transmits up to 100′: This is perhaps true if there is an absolutely clear line of sight between the headphones and the transmitter. And it might “transmit” but it certainly won’t “transmit well”. The moment I walked into the adjacent room (which doesn’t have any wireless interference) the static noise hurt my ears and was unbearable. In fact, while in the same room as the transmitter, if I moved my arms around or even moved my head, the static would rear its noisy… head?
-Sets up in minutes: Yes, this is true. But if you are trying to figure out what’s wrong with the product and the poor sound quality for a while, this is not true.
-No cords to tangle of trip over: Yes, this is true. But the terrible quality of these headphones might make you wish for corded headphones.
So my parents bought this so that one could watch TV and not disturb the other (if sleeping or something). Note that for most televisions, if you mute the sound on the built-in TV speakers, you’ll also be muting the “audio out” jacks. Thus you have to hope that the headphones can amplify a soft TV sound to achieve this “do not disturb” goal. This is not feasible with the Digisonic wireless headphones.
I urged my parents to return the product for a refund. Since they bought two headphones, I assume that it is unlikely to be a random product defect on that end. It could very well be a defective transmitter, but at this point I believe it to simply be a poor product.
Do you have a positive (or negative) story to share about these headphones? Post a comment!

March 28th, 2007 at 11:49 pm
sac says:
Um…headphones put me ‘in the zone’. They’re great.
but more importantly — DUDE…your technorati rating is kicking my technorati rating in the ASS!! That’s right, ASS, all caps!! haha…way to go, Pete. You’re on your way up to being an ‘influencer’.
March 29th, 2007 at 4:20 pm
Julia says:
Hmm, I’ve never had experience with this brand, but my parents bought two different brands previously to try out (same reason as your parents), and neither of those worked either. Same problems as you’ve described. Pretty sure this style of product is just a dud (not dependent on brand).
April 20th, 2007 at 2:15 pm
Al Long says:
Thanks for the heads up. I was about to order these head sets. I have an RCA wireless headset but wanted one for another room. I DO have a hearing problem. Thanks again for keeping me from a mistake.
April 20th, 2007 at 2:18 pm
Al Long says:
No, it isn’t true that this is the case with all wireless headsetsd. I had an Advent headset for three years that was great but they are no longer available. I now have an RCA wireless headset that is very good. Possibly this person didn’t have this properly installed.
May 20th, 2007 at 5:12 pm
Harriet Gallion says:
Ialso tried these. I can’t get them to come in clear. All I hear is static. When they came I didn’t get any information as to how to send them back. Do you have any information to send them back?
May 20th, 2007 at 5:28 pm
Peter says:
We’d bought them mail order through The Bay, so that’s who we sent it back to…
Don’t ask me why these are allowed to be sold if they’re so bad…
July 5th, 2007 at 4:01 pm
Charlie says:
I ordered a set of DigiSonic Wireless Headphones and have been well pleased with them. I have heard static only when I walked into the kitchen near the wall mounted phone. I enjoy watching movies now that I have the headphones. I can actually understand what most people are saying.
July 8th, 2007 at 7:26 am
Billy says:
My wife bought be a set of this device. I was almost sure it would NOT work when I first saw it. I am a ham radio operator and have multiple radios and scanners in the house already. Surprise, Surprise the ones I have work GREAT. no Static, clear voice and can even monitor in an upstairs room, right in the middle of all the radio equipment thru the wireless headsets with no static, or can turn on any one of several scanners and pick up the audio on 49.850 which is also clear. I would never have guessed would work this well, until I heard it.
July 27th, 2007 at 12:28 pm
Robin M says:
I was looking for contact information for the people that make the digisonic wireless headphones and came upon this posting. I cannot find them. I ordered them through an insert in a gas credit card I have. I ordered them on May 1, 07 and haven’t received them yet. I am getting aggravated at this point. The check I wrote was cashed a long time ago. Would anyone have any contact information for this business? Thanks,Robin
July 27th, 2007 at 1:12 pm
Peter says:
Try contacting the credit card company. If it was an offer through them, they should have Digisonic’s contact information…
Oh, and when you get the information, please post it here to help others!
July 28th, 2007 at 12:13 pm
Kathy says:
My parents love their headsets too. Just lucky I guess. Unfortunately they broke a set and want to replace it, but I’m having trouble locating somewhere to buy them. Anyone know where to get them?
August 5th, 2007 at 8:32 am
Ed says:
Bought these Digisonic wireless headphones and love them. Plenty of volume. Can walk outdoors and listen to the Red Sox while they play indoors on TV.
August 9th, 2007 at 8:45 am
Kathy says:
Where did you get your headphones?
October 29th, 2007 at 3:43 pm
Spence says:
We just got these headphones and they are GREAT. My wife has “ordered” me to get another set. The coverage covers my entire house and yard with loss of signal in only 2 very small spots; maybe a step or 2.
November 10th, 2007 at 2:26 pm
Lary Doherty says:
I purchased a set of two digisonic headphones from Sears. Mine have worked great. No problems and have owned them for about a year or little less.
November 15th, 2007 at 4:22 pm
R. Foote says:
I also purchased the Digitonic through a gas card (Chevron) and was unable to make the headphones work. I tried them on both the tlevision and the DVD player with no success. From above blogs, looks like one has to be lucky to get a workable set.
November 23rd, 2007 at 2:53 pm
Nelson Castillo says:
My wireless it is not workiing bought my credit card sears
December 14th, 2007 at 8:33 am
Dave Van Aken says:
I have been using the DigiSonic transmitter and wireless headst for quite some time now with no problems at all. I get static if I walk into another room but nothing I can’t live with.
December 23rd, 2007 at 5:25 am
Sandy says:
I had the same expereince . There appears to be a connection error with the transmitter, nothing but staic. They were a gift by a friend so can not return.
I called my son over to make sure I was not just an old lady and didn’t know how to set them up.
I also happened on this website looking for the company.
January 5th, 2008 at 9:05 am
Nana says:
I am a elderly lady with a loss of hearing. I recieved these exact headset from mailorder. My TV is to old to have the plug in ports on the back. (of course the mute will cut the sound on the TV) But I had to plug my transmitter into the back of my VCR in the Vedio output for the red and black plugs. The cable comes through the VCR, so does the sound. I can turn the TV sound off or mute and still hear the shows great. Just beginers luck. At first the sound would die out or get fuzzy. I realized the transmitter was going out. My batteries we’re too old. So I found a universal AC adaptor for the transmitter, and not everything is working wonderful, with great sound. I wear out batteries in the headset, often. So I got a small battery recharger, with batteries included and not I am having a wonderful time with listening to my favorite movies or TV shows. Sorry but I love my DIGISONIC~WIRELESS-HEADPHONES.
Just try pluging them into the VHS or Computer?
January 24th, 2008 at 8:05 pm
Carl says:
Here is the contact info for the makers of the Digisonic wireless headphones. I have more info if needed.
TEL; 86-754-4487370 FAX NO: 86-754-4491420
EMAIL: [email protected]
February 26th, 2008 at 4:44 am
Steph says:
Does anybody notice that those cheap wireless headphone a in fact just a MONO channel not stereo headphone. So go to hell with this clear sound thing when in fact it is a MONO sound. I'll return these right away, and I was unsure about this ad. Fifty box for a MONO headphone. Yeah pretty cheap and untrue. Check that in fact, it is never mentionned anywhere that those creppy headphone are STEREO. YES I"M STUPID AND I ENJOY A HI-FI MONO SOUND. SEARS ARE THE BEST WITH THESES SUPPOSED DEALS THAT ARE JUST CRAP.
April 14th, 2008 at 12:16 pm
Maurice Bussieres says:
To whom it may concern.
I am very happy to read you before it’s buying. I save money.
Do you have a better brand make to replace this digisonic.
I’ll appreciate,
Thanks a lot
April 14th, 2008 at 12:48 pm
Sabin says:
Wow, love the write up. With any product, I try to find it on line first. One reason, shopping is easier. If you see something on TV they say; "Call Now and we’ll double your order" Yet then you do call and they try to sell you everything and upgrades.
Rule of thumb, sold on T.V., it’s sold on line.
So, I Goggle for this item, came across this page. I got the SAME dang flyer in my Exxon Mobile statement, buy one for $29.95 or 2 for $49.90 plus shipping exclusively through Exxon. Screw Chavez!!!! LOL
So, thank you for the article, the flyer is now trashed already. And let your parents know, Send those back!!!!! Sabin said so! LOL
Thank you,
November 15th, 2008 at 7:24 pm
Elaine says:
Well, my mom bought these for our family and they work okay, but eat batteries like crazy. I have to get up and turn off the transmitter or the nine volt is dead by morning. I thought the ac adaptor was power instead of the battery. Otherwise, the sound quality is good (on new batteries), I can go to the kitchen for a snack. Fairly comfortable on your head for extended periods… they were a good price for two.
October 8th, 2010 at 4:10 pm
JOE says:
Oh how Lucky I am for I have been using this set for over four years and I had a set before and they are like every thing else they will wear out after a time so what cracker jack box did you get those out of and what made Sabin an expert to tell you he said so any way I am looking for another set, where can I find another set.
January 19th, 2011 at 9:12 pm
Bill says:
I bought a box of stuff at an auction and got two of these Digisonic headphones with no receiver so if anyone is happy with them and want two more drop me an email
[email protected]
June 15th, 2011 at 11:11 am
I would like to know if you or someone else is selling the headphones for the digisonic wireless transmitter because i would like to purchase the headphones. I would just like to know what the cost of those headphones are because they are hard to find. Thanks.
October 31st, 2011 at 1:40 pm
Joe LaFontaine says:
I would like to purchase a new head set only, Model #8082-83, as the one I have is defective.
Where can I get one and from who will supply, with what cost?
I live in Ontario, Canada
February 13th, 2012 at 1:47 pm
John Gerbrandt says:
My Digisonic works fine. Would like to find another set of headphones, though, since both of mine have broken ear pieces.
September 26th, 2012 at 5:02 am
Phil says:
I have a set of headphones ( two of them ) in perfect condition and would like to sell them. The transmitter failed fairly soon after purchasing this product. Where are you located? I live in St. Catharines, Ontario.
January 12th, 2013 at 2:06 pm
Randy says:
I do have a hearing problem and have been using these devices for a long time. When connected properly they have no static and provide excellent sound quality. The only complaint I have is that they are bulky.
March 9th, 2013 at 12:08 pm
Dale says:
I have had these Digisonic headsets and transmitter for many years and have had no problem at all. I can listen on the patio, in the back yard and any room in the house. No static, no fade and no other problem. My transmitter plugs into the back of the tv and regular house outlet and has no battery. Each headset
uses 2 aaa batteries and they last ok. I have a lot of wear and tear from years of usage, but no product complaints at all. I was trying to find the manufacturer to order a couple of more sets for future use, but no success. Does anyone know if they are still in business?
May 12th, 2013 at 10:37 am
René Boisvert says:
I have a DigiSonic wireless headphone # 8082.
I would like to change the FM radio station. How do I proceed?
I hear lots of interference noises when changing room. Can that be eliminated?
Thanks for the service.
July 1st, 2014 at 12:59 pm
Martha Sunshine says:
I think perhaps the person didn’t know where to install the headphones. We got a new TV and when we tried to install my headphones, nothing but static; so I started reading the book. (I am hard of hearing) I realized we had them plugged into the TV and that was not where they were to be plugged in. We have satellite and they have to be plugged into the satellite receiver. So, we moved the plug to the satellite receiver instead and the wireless DigiSonic Headphones worked beautiful – perfect sound. Prior to that, I got so much static I didn’t hear anything.