Create pdfs for free
First published on July 31, 2006
Contrary to what many people believe, you do not need to shell out hundreds of dollars to create PDFs. There are many benefits to having the full-featured Adobe Acrobat (such as the ability to edit a pdf) but if you’re just looking to create a PDF of your school report in Word, you can download a free PDF convertor such as CutePDF. Do a quick Google search for free PDF makers and you’ll find many others.
So what are you waiting for? Go explore the world of free PDF-ing!
And heck, Adobe Acrobat can’t even do things like convert to grayscale.

August 1st, 2006 at 6:02 pm
Leah says:
I never knew…I guess you learn something new everyday!
August 2nd, 2006 at 6:17 pm
Alan says:
these ads by google are actually quite awesome. In your post, you suggest “Do a quick Google search for free PDF makers and you’ll find many others.”
When I click “comment”, the ads that appear at the top of the post (better than just on the side btw) are “pdf writer”, “edit pdf”, “free pdf writer download” etc etc. Awesome stuff!
August 4th, 2006 at 11:49 am
Melissa says:
This is exactly what I need! Thanks Peter!
September 6th, 2006 at 10:48 pm
Will Murray says:
CutePDF is okay, but I’ve personally found PDFRedirect to be an even better free PDF creator. It works as a printer driver, but you can also use it to merge documents, etc. It’s not naggy and it’s completely free. There is an optional trial version for their pro product, but the free version works just fine. In fact, I have had better luck with this program and some difficult to embed fonts than I have with Adobe Acrobat Professional. It really makes be wonder if I should bother upgrading my Adobe.
Also, if you like viewing PDFs, but feel that Adobe’s Reader is too slow and bloated, try FoxIt Reader for Windows. It’s no-cost, and is very simple to use. It loads in a second or two, and works with all but the most complex PDF documents (hugely graphical, multiple layers of vectored artwork that takes Adobe a good 5 minutes to render) I’ve thrown at it.