
Cinnamon toothpaste in Metro Vancouver

First published on April 26, 2014

A friend from out of town was recently in search of cinnamon gum and toothpaste in Metro Vancouver. While we were able to find cinnamon chewing gum in most grocery stores and drug stores, cinnamon toothpaste was harder to find. Canadians seem to enjoy only one flavour of toothpaste: mint. There are endless varieties of mint of course…

In case you are also searching for cinnamon toothpaste, we found it in 2 stores: Pharmasave (at least in New Westminster and North Delta) and Target (at least in North Delta).

Crest 125mL: $4.49 at Pharmasave; $2.97 at Target
Crest cinnamon toothpaste

Close-Up 100mL: $1.49 at Pharmasave; $0.97 at Target
Close-up cinnamon toothpaste


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