Call home from the London, England (or anywhere in the UK) for cheap!
First published on May 10, 2007
Travelling to the UK? Call home for bloody cheap… on a cell phone! With the Orange UK Call Abroad pay as you go plan, I will be paying only 5p per minute to call Canada from the UK. Heck, that’s cheaper than calling within Canada on my local cell phone plan (7-Eleven Speak Out Wireless).
With the Call Abroad plan, calls within London are 15p to landlines and Orange mobiles and 35p to other London mobiles. So I guess this is comparable to other plans, but remember that the real savings are in making international calls.
As is usually the case in the UK, incoming calls are free.
Of course, what you need to do is 1) Have an existing unlocked tri-band GSM phone and 2) Buy a SIM card for this service — these can be purchased on eBay (and probably many other places on the Internet) for a few dollars or you can just wait until you get to the United Kingdom and find a place that sells one. Then, put the SIM card into your phone and start calling… for cheap!

January 4th, 2008 at 9:33 am
Matthias Willerich says:
I’ve been using these people here for about 3 years, and so far only once their service was broken.
I still don’t call my parents more often
January 4th, 2008 at 9:56 am
Peter says:
Nice tip — I’ll have to try that on my next trip (whenever that is :D)