Bypass the wait period on nameservers to access your new domain name faster
First published on September 8, 2006
Whenever you purchase a new domain name, you have to point the nameservers to your web host, and also add the domain on your web host. I won’t go into the details on how to do that. However, once you have done that correctly, you usually have to wait “up to 48 hours” for the domain name settings to take effect. What that means is that all of the DNSs (domain name systems) around the world have to update their records to show where your domain is being hosted.
You know for a fact, though, that your web host’s DNS already has that info, considering that you’ve just entered it there! By default, your computer uses the DNS of your internet service provider, which is one of the many DNSs around the world that need to update their records over the next 48 hours. Therefore, you can begin to work on your site immediately by setting your computer’s DNS settings to point to your web host — just use the exact same IP address that you entered for your domain’s nameservers:
On the start menu, click on Network Connections on the Settings Menu
Right-click either Local Area Connection or Wireless Connection (depending on which one you are using) and select Properties
Click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), then click Properties
Enter your host’s nameserver information

September 9th, 2006 at 11:45 am
DK says:
That is a handy tip!
September 10th, 2006 at 4:04 pm
Kumar says:
But will you be able to view your site within 48 hours? Or will you only be able to upload files?
September 10th, 2006 at 8:51 pm
Peter says:
Yeah, if you change your DNS settings, then you can view your site immediately (and also upload files and stuff). The rest of the world won’t be able to of course… so it’s only “bypassing” for you.