
Browse a folder in a new window in Finder (Mac OS X)

First published on January 26, 2008

Suppose you are browsing through the file system on your computer. If you then open a new window in the file explorer, you are typically presented with the documents folder. But what if you wanted to open a new window at the directory level that you were previously browsing?

In Windows Explorer, you right-click a folder, then click the Explore item.

There’s no such menu item on Mac’s Finder. Thanks to this site (via Vivien), I discovered that you need to hold the Apple key (for some it is the Command key), then double-click the folder you want to explore. Voilà — a new Finder window at the directory level chosen.


One Response to “Browse a folder in a new window in Finder (Mac OS X)”

  1. Skittles says:

    I’ve been a long time fan of Punky moods, but recent events have made me wish there was one called “prayerful.”

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