Block those MFA (Made for AdSense) sites from showing in your Google ads
First published on July 28, 2007
Have you ever stumbled upon a site that contains nothing but ads? They help to… dampen the usefulness of the Internet. One of the ways that they drive traffic to themselves is by placing ads, which, believe it or not, can be quite profitable in the grand scheme of things. The money that they earn when people click on ads on the MFA sites is more than the MFA sites pay to place their cheap ads on other sites.
I have Google ads on my site, and when someone clicks on one of the ads, I want the destination site to be of value. I’m all about the useful crap, but with a definite emphasis on the useful. I discovered, which is a database of MFA sites.
At, you enter some keywords that pertain to your site, and it will generate a list of MFA websites that target those keywords. You can then copy and paste those sites into Google AdSense’s Competitive Ad Filter (under the AdSense Setup tab) and never worry about seeing those crappy sites on your ads again.
Now someone just needs to come up with a database of MFA sites for Google AdWords (where people place Google ads) so that we can prevent the MFA sites from displaying ads of any relevance. That way, almost nobody will visit those sites; when they do, there will be nothing to click on.

July 29th, 2007 at 6:44 am
car news guy says:
Is Adsense Black List free? I heard that they were going to start charging?
July 29th, 2007 at 7:43 am
Peter says:
From what I know, it will always be free to generate a list of 50 sites. When they decide to start charging, that will be to generate a list of 200 sites.
July 30th, 2007 at 12:44 am
car news guy says:
cool. I’ve added some sites to my filter list so I’ll see how it goes.
October 27th, 2007 at 11:02 pm
baloot inc says:
thanks 4 this tip..
it will help me to increase my adsense earnings blog..