Ask The Blog: Helping people with those tough questions!
First published on July 22, 2006
Sick of the Magic 8-ball? Or do you simply not have one? Get The Blog to answer all of your trivial (or not so trivial) yes/no questions!
Now, you might say, this is more “useless” than “useful”. However, consider this scenario: Trevor cannot decide whether he should eat a sub for lunch. Compared to all of the other problems that this world is presented with (wars, starvation, etc.), Trevor really ought not waste too much time on such a trivial matter. Therefore, by getting The Blog to offer its opinion quickly on the lunch issue, Trevor can then get on with saving the world. I would say that’s some darn useful crap.

July 27th, 2006 at 5:46 pm
Leah says:
What a cool idea?! What fun…however, why is he always so positive: of course, man; yes! yes! yes! and si senor!
Anyways, cool idea, man!
May 16th, 2010 at 10:50 pm
Yolandi says:
hi, i’m experiencing a problem with my photoshop fonts and i’m hoping that you can help.
when I type something say in 20pt size and I want to resize it to 25pt… everytime i highlight my text and change the size to 25, it automatically changes down to 19… if i try again it changes down to 18… 17… 16… etc… why?? And how can I stop it from doing that?!!
Please help me, thanx!!
Reply from Peter: Sorry, I’ve never encountered that problem and don’t know what the cause could be