
Choices Markets replaces styrofoam meat trays with plastic

First published on September 14, 2012

According to their monthly newsletter, BC-based Choices Markets is:

… introducing a 100% recyclable meat tray. Starting in September [2012], all of our meat departments will completely switch away from foam trays and begin using a high-density #1 plastic tray that is accepted in Metro Vancouver’s recycling stream. We are well aware that the new trays are still made from a petroleum base, but unlike the old foam trays, the new units are recyclable. In the meantime, we will continue searching for a suitable packaging made from a renewable source that is even more environmentally sound.

Like they say, using plastic is still not the most desirable option, but it’s a step in the right direction. Most municipalities will not recycle styrofoam / polystyrene foam, which is labelled as plastic #6 or simply not labelled at all.

The best long-term option might be for customers to bring re-usable containers instead of buying one-use packaging, but with meat more than almost any grocery item, that would be a serious sanitation issue!

While we’re on the topic, have you considered re-usable produce bags yet?


One Response to “Choices Markets replaces styrofoam meat trays with plastic”

  1. Carol Carson says:

    This is good news! Thank you. Just discovered your blog when I was searching for a chart of in-season fruits and vegetables for Vancouver, BC. Lots of interesting and useful info. I am adding you to my blog list and will be back for sure.

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