
List of free stock photo sites

First published on August 22, 2007

Ever need a free photo that’s better than clip art? Contrary to what Adobe keeps trying to say in their spam to me, you don’t need to pay $130 for a stock photo to use in your blog post, article, presentation, artwork, or other creative outlets.

I found Vivien’s list of 8 Finest Bits Of Free Stock Photo Sites and was instantly pleased with the quality of photos available on the sites she listed. Now I don’t have to wade through all those crappy sites that come up on Google that offer nothing good and just link to each other in circles. I was able to quickly find this cool tennis photo for an article I drafted about eZ Publish:

Tennis ball hamper


7 Responses to “List of free stock photo sites”

  1. Ivy says:

    I love free art. Thanks for the comment on my blog, PK – made my day.

    I see you got the little anti-spam application working! Very nice…I’m still working on figuring out the whole rss thing. weeeeee.

  2. inspirationbit says:

    Hey, Peter. Glad to see that you already found such a nice image from one of those free stock photo sites. And thanks for the link – I’m getting a dozen or two visitors from this post :-)

  3. Xavier says:

    Free stock photography is for rich kids posing as photographers or for amateurs with more ego than brains. If photos are given for free who pays the expenses: camera, lense, software, computer, connection, travel, time… ?

  4. says:

    Thanks for sharing that information. I knew about morguefile for stock photos, but I didn’t know about any of the others. That is going to be a big help to me. :mrgreen:

  5. Anoosh says:

    Hi peter
    I am looking for a site with the name of oreys or similar name.
    can you please help me to find that site.


  6. Peter says:

    Hi Anoosh, sadly I don’t really know what you are talking about.

  7. Jomark Osabel says:

    An avid fan here of Stock.XCHNG. A simple search on their site will definitely show what you are looking for a free stock photos.

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