
A good basil salmon recipe, but beware of the basil!

First published on March 15, 2007

Googling for recipes is dangerous. But sometimes I have to look outside my rookie cook book.

Being a salmon fanatic, I went searching for a good salmon recipe and found a basil salmon recipe worthy of trying.

Things were going OK… until I threw my chopped basil in. Maybe there’s a difference between “chopped fresh basil” and the kind of basil that I used (see below), but a lesson for the other rookie cooks out there: don’t ever throw in a cup of the package chopped basil unless you’re cooking for a village. The moment I poured it in I knew something was wrong. Good thing I stopped because the recipe actually called for one and a half cups of basil. Even after removing oh… 80% of the basil, things were still very basil-ly.

Beware of the basil

So… if you’re looking for a good salmon recipe, try the one above! But use like two tablespoons or something if your basil package looks like mine.


3 Responses to “A good basil salmon recipe, but beware of the basil!”

  1. Melissa says:

    Have you ever wanted to have your own talk show? That’s sort of what this blog reminds me of. Except without guests and interviews….Okay, maybe it’s more like an advice column….

  2. Rob A says:

    The general guideline for dry herb substitution is to use 1/3 dry in place of fresh (and you might need extra liquid), but let the taste guide you. So for your recipe 1 1/2 cup fresh, 1/2 cup would be the amount of dry to use (max).

    P.S. found your site searching for anti-trackback options, but stayed for the inane chatter!

    -Rob A>

  3. Piedro Molinero says:

    This one is cool, it really gave me a smile. Thank you for this as well as for the link to the salmon recipe. Going to try it with fresh basil.

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