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Why two fields in db???
August 18, 2008
11:09 am

Since wintime is actually tracking date and time as integer, why are there both windate and wintime fields? Seems a bit redundant and excess db space.

August 18, 2008
1:17 pm
Forum Posts: 841

You're right, it is a bit redundant. Thanks for pointing this out.

I initially made it that way so that "windate" was used for grouping scores together from the same day and thus it was simply a "rounded to midnight" version of the actual game times. I never explored alternative methods for that (such as rounding "wintime" on the fly). However, a few versions ago I stopped grouping the display of scores by day anyway. So I'll take a lot at this when I start working on the next version (not sure when that will be) and potentially remove "windate".