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Team Registration Number
February 27, 2009
10:25 am


I am the webmaster for a USSSA Softball League and we need to to have the teams USSSA registration number added to the team info when we add them to the database. And then when a user clicks on Team History then it will look up the registration number and pull the team history off of that instead of the team name.

How hard would that be to have that added maybe for the next revision.?? Or is there a way to do it now?

February 27, 2009
1:31 pm

I actually learned something today.

I figured out how to have to change the masterteam.php and editmasterteam.php to ask for the USSSA Reg # and to have it added to the database right along with showing it on the Manage Master Teams page.

Now I am at the point of needing help. If I add a Reg # in and it is already in the database how do I have it tell me that it is there and what team name it is associated to?

Please help..

February 28, 2009
2:33 pm
Forum Posts: 841

Hi David,

I’m not completely sure what you are trying to do. From what I gather, you have successfully added the extra field for the registration number. Then, outside of the sports standings application, you have another database table (different table but same database) that contains information based on the registration number? If so, you need a query similar to this to get at the extra information you want?

SELECT othertable.fieldyouwant
FROM othertable
LEFT JOIN sportsdb_masterteams ON sportsdb_masterteams.regnumber = othertable.regnumber
WHERE sportsdb_masterteams.masterteamid = $masterteamid