Extending code and modifications | Peter's Sports League Standings | Forum
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5:31 pm
Hi Peter,
First all I would like to say how much I love this script!
I have tried using this script for a darts website, but need modifications to it.
I have been able to modify and add to the database some extra columns i needed.
I need extra code to work out Leg Differences and Game Differences? (Not sure where to start on that one!)
I have only basic php skills, and your script has help me in learning VERY basic SQL (which is good!)
I cant seem to get some of the code correct though. I have been able to get it add the correct details to the database, and retrieve them correctly, but i am having trouble doing the same when editing matches?
Is there a block in the edit score pages that i should update with the same details as the addscore pages?
Also I see you said you originally wrote this script for wordpress? Do you still have this for wordpress? or is there an easier way to integrate to wordpress?
I know you are not able to support the script as much, but I do believe this script is worth developing further!
Thanks in advance for any info on the above.
Kind Regards :wink:
Regarding WordPress, the script is very far removed from when it was integrated with WordPress, so a new effort would have to be undertaken to do the integration.
As for supporting the code, the situation is still the same in that there are no plans for further support or development at this time. However, there is nothing closed source or proprietary about it -- you can seek help from anyone who is generally familiar with PHP and/or MySQL.
Sorry that I cannot be of much help at this time, but good luck! Feel free to use this forum to share further development.