Adding multiple schedules and standings to a single season without them effecting each other.. | Peter's Sports League Standings | Forum
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2:18 am
I'd like to first start off by thanking you. This code has been quite the learning experience for me as a first time PHP user. Everything is super user friendly. Cheers!.. as for my problem at hand..
This program allows for only regular season games to be recorded per season. Is it possible to record(in the same season) Playoffs & possible inter-division cups games? I have browsed through the code and created it to comfort my soccer teams schedule and league stats. My problem is that we have 2 different mini Cup tournaments that overlap our regular season and then playoffs as most sports to finish it all off the year.
Is it easy(or even possible) to have multiple standings(same teams), and schedule to a single season without them interfering with each other?
Im guessing adding another row to the excising standings would work for the new points, etc, but what about the new schedules?
The code structure will allow you to have games that would appear on the schedule but not in the standings. However, under the current framework, I think you'll have to create separate seasons for playoffs and other special occasions that require standings of their own. (I say "I think" because who knows what a savvy developer will be able to come up with.) The good news is that you can duplicate all of the teams when you create a new season.
Actually that’s one of the two features that I have coded for the unreleased version 1.4 so far (which I should really just package up and release!).
Here are some instructions on the code tweaks to make to version 1.3.
After you specify that a game is an exhibition or playoff game, you would then add a comment to say so on the public-facing list.
1:46 am
you're awesome.. it is possible to create a separate dropdown menu with the exhibition&playoff options rather then having them in the (win or tie). having them as they are now does not organize itself in the current and past games scheduling... not sure if that is complicated or an easy if-statement for each New 8 & 9 value..
That's a good idea and it certainly provides a more intuitive user experience, not to mention a bit more flexibility if people wanted to define their own special types. Unfortunately it could be quite a long time before I'd get around to coding that.
For now, you'll have to leave upcoming games as "Play", add a comment to note that it is an exhibition or playoff game, and then change the result to "Exhibition" or "Playoff" when it's completed.
11:32 am
that's actually easier then re-coding..good idea..
a request for future versions..if these exhibition & playoff games do make the cut for the next version, can you possibly implement a tournament(s) one as well and maybe something showing in the history of what place the team finished in for all these exhibition, playoffs, mini-internal-tournament(s) and regular season..
just throwing it out there.... your code would then become more universal this way - it would comfort all different types of sports and not lean so much towards baseball..
as for now, thx for the help..