redirection not working - maybe buddypress or iis problem? | Peter's Login Redirect | Forum
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2:37 pm
Hi, plug-in looks nearly perfect for my needs!
using v1.91
Tried setting just the 'all other users' URL for redirection. When I click update it says it has 'updated' but then 'looses' the text in the field so not sure it has really saved.. clicking on the plug-in link again, the text is missing, I expected it to be there to edit?
Would that explain why there is no redirection on login? other possibility to mention is I am running it on a IIS7.5 installation, and that the buddypress plug-in is also installed, could that cause a conflict?
donation coming your way if you can get it working how I need in the next day, I have a small enhancement request (which you can give back to the community) - email or better, msn me on my email addr.
I'm too busy at the moment to provide expedited support for pay, but here are some things to check out:
- Does the login_redirect table exist? If not, you might have to manually create it with the SQL contained in the plugin file.
- Do any other redirect rules save? If so, there might be an issue specifically with the update function for "all other users"
- Does your configured database user have the permission to edit fields in all tables in the WP database? Perhaps for some reason they don't have valid permissions for the plugin tables.
- Are you trying to redirect to a URL outside of your install? Check the $rul_local_only setting
- If you're only setting a single redirect for all users, you could bypass the database entirely by hard-coding your URL in the redirect_wrapper function in the plugin