Redirect plugin and User Role Editor | Peter's Login Redirect | Forum
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12:50 pm
Hi there,
Thanks of all first for the great plugin! So simple and so great!
One question though:
I have some users under the role "EDITOR" that I would not like to have access to the plugin. Unfortunately, in the "USER ROLE EDITOR" plugin, I can't find a reference to the Redirect plugin.
I was wondering if you could help me, WP 3.0.4 etc. all of the most recent basically...
This is the link to the very popular user role editor:
Thanks for your help,
At about line 877 of the redirect plugin, you'll see something like:
If you change the 7 to a specific capability (such as those listed at, you will have more fine-grained control.
Joe said:
Is there a way to make it see the additional roles from the role editor above the typical wordpress roles?
thank you
The plugin looks up all roles in the system as defined in the $wp_roles global variable. Therefore, it shouldn't be limited to the default roles. If you added new roles via an external plugin, it might be that the plugin isn't adding to that variable.