Redirect doesn't work when revisted. | Peter's Login Redirect | Forum
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11:35 am
I am currently using this plug-in, and when someone goes through the log in page, it redirects wonderfully.
The issue I am having is if people leave the site (close the tab or window) and come back. They are actually getting access to the index page and not the pages I specified.
I realize that the plug-in was written for when people log in, but is there a way to run a similar function in the header.php in case of something such as above?
It's possible, but it's not a quick add If you find the right WordPress hook, you could add some extra redirect logic to use the redirect_to_front_page() function from the plugin on every load of the back-end interface (or just on the dashboard page). However, you have to be careful that you don't cause an infinite loop redirect and also to let Editors, Administrators, and whoever else who actually needs to access the rest of the back-end interface, through. So there's quite a bit of supporting code needed.
And if you have more complex needs for blocking access to the back-end interface, you should be using another plugin to manage actual user permissions.