Is there a way to bypass the login for one page | Peter's Login Redirect | Forum
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10:22 am
I have a need to have one unprotected/login free page on my WordPress site. Is there a way to bypass the Login Redirect if I specify a path to my page? Something like this: (leads to the login/redirect page) (leads directly to this page and doesn't fire the login/redirect)
Thanks for your help, it's an awesome plug in!
Hi, you can use the redirect_to variable, as a hidden form value in your login form or as a GET parameter. That would override any redirect URL from the plugin if the "Allow a POST or GET "redirect_to" variable to take redirect precedence" setting (configured at the bottom of the Settings > Login/logout redirects management page) is set to "Yes".
7:01 pm
Hi Peter, thanks for getting back to me. I'm not sure this fix will work for me. I want to avoid the login for altogether for one specific page. So if I send someone to a link in an email, for instance, to I don't want the form to show at all, I just want to show the content of the "special" page.
Ah, sorry for misunderstanding the issue. If I'm understanding correctly this time, this is not actually related to login redirection, but permissions on that special page. You'd have to look at how permissions are currently configured (possibly with a flag on each article). I'd suggest using the general WordPress forums to get more specific help on that. Good luck!