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12:26 pm
I'll explain how I'm set up and what I'm interested in doing - you can then call me names, tell me I'm crazy, or succinctly solve my 'problem' - your choice which one!
I have a short&sweet url like this: http://site.com/auto-login.php.....newsletter
This link gets emailed once a week to the website's fanbase of about 200 people, letting them know that if they click the link they'll get whisked away, logged into the website, and go straight to the week's newsletter (at /Member/something/newsletter obviously). (Thanks to this website)
If members are not going to my site from this link, but instead just logging in as "UserName" with "EasyPassword" on my site, I'd like them to get taken to site.com/Member. For just this, the plugin works fine! But when I'm trying to send them to /Member/something/newsletter with the link in the email .. the plugin sends them to site.com/Member.
Any ideas how to circumvent the Login Redirect functionality? :)
Thanks in advance!
This can probably be coded, as an "extension" to the plugin. The idea is that you can insert your own logic in before or in between any of my plugin's rules. There is documentation and a general example here:
In short, you could read a global variable or the "redir" GET variable in your extension and have the plugin return that instead.
7:43 pm
Turns out you already let me do this!! All I did was switch this:
// Allow a POST or GET "redirect_to" variable to take precedence over settings within the plugin
$rul_allow_post_redirect_override = false;
// Allow a POST or GET "redirect_to" variable to take precedence over settings within the plugin
$rul_allow_post_redirect_override = true;
(lines 41-42)!!!!
9:49 am
chris said:
Thanks for answering for the next guy! I really love this plugin - it makes it so foolproof :)
Would you consider moving a few of the preferences out of the core plugin files (when the plugin is updated you have to remember to go back and re-instate the preferences)? Just a thought, thanks for the great plugin once again!