Conflict with User Access Manager | Peter's Login Redirect | Forum
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3:10 pm
first of all, thanks for this plugin, it is very helpful.
I have encountered a problem when trying to redirect to a page that is hidden from common visitors by User Access Manager plugin (
If an user has granted an access to a specific page by UAM (based on his role) and there is a rule in your plugin that should redirect him there, it doesn't work. I guess the cause may be that redirect URL is determined before the user is actually logs in (and therefore the page seems not to exist and homepage is used instead). But it is just a guess.
This issue started not a very long time ago, so it may be caused by one of the latest changes.
Is there anything you could do about this? Or could you just point me in the right direction?
Thanks very much.
There should be nothing preventing the redirect plugin from calculating the URL. You could check this by logging or printing (and then stopping execution of the script) the $rul_url variable in the redirect_to_front_page() function in the plugin. That would tell you whether the correct URL is being returned by the plugin, and also whether the plugin is even being executed in those cases. If it is calculating the correct URL, then it is probably an issue outside of the plugin -- perhaps another plugin is taking precedence over the redirect.