WordPress MU 2.9.2 and Plugin 3.1.3 problem | Peter's Custom Anti-Spam for WordPress | Forum
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10:32 pm
I use WP MU 2.9.2 and 3.1.3 version of your plugin and have problem with activation for new blogs. I use Plugin Commander which activates the plugin but it doesn't work properly. When I go to the new blog and visit the plugin options it writes "The anti-spam word list does not exist. Make sure the "words" sub-directory is writable, then re-activate the plugin." Then I have to go to Plugin Commander and press Activate All. Then it starts to work and the word * * * INVALID * * * dissapears from the image. Where could be the bug?
Unfortunately, I don't have any MU installs and thus probably won't get around to testing that until WordPress 3.0 comes out. The plugin hasn't been officially been tested with MU for a long time, since MU 1.5.1 (see http://www.theblog.ca/anti-spam-mu). If anybody has any tips for Roman, please post them :)