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Unreachable errors generated.
October 12, 2009
11:06 am

I use PCAS v3.1.3 on WP2.8.
When I checked my website with Google Webmaster Crawler checker, it says many ‘unreachable’ (301) errors. There is something like this:

and so on..

If you try to click that links, it says

That anti-spam number is no longer valid.

In the Google page, i found this error starting on 25 Sept 2009, the time when I did upgrade to new version (v3.1.3) via Plugin Central.

Can you explain about this issues and fix it in next version??

Thank you

October 13, 2009
1:34 am
Forum Posts: 841

The nature of that is not really an error — basically, valid anti-spam audio file URLs are being indexed. Later as they expire, those pages are longer produce audio files and they inform you of this.

If it bothers you, you can change the behavior of this code:

if (is_null($cas_antispam)) wp_die($cas_displaytext['not_valid']);