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Minimum search word length is 4 characters - maximum search word length is 84 characters

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Robots Txt
November 24, 2009
6:34 am


We seem to be having almost 3000 robot txt instructions created by the plugin? Is this normal is there a way to halt this?

November 25, 2009
12:49 am
Forum Posts: 841

The plugin file doesn't actually affect a robots.txt file, although it does send some robots instructions as follows: Since anti-spam words expire (to mitigate abuse by bots), search engines would index the audio file portion for expired words. Therefore, to prevent search engines from indexing a bunch of “That anti-spam number is no longer valid” pages, those pages tell the search engines not to index them. If you’d like to turn that off, you can edit the variable $cas_displaytext['not_valid'] in the plugin file itself.