| magicJack | Forum

7:16 pm
Just like Peter said (You gotta give him Props)...Giving you as much crap as possible. Good crap, though. Useful crap.
Hi this is the CEO of CANADIANMAGICJACK.CA LTD or Mr. Neil Adams...our company only has 26 customers since OCT 30, 2008.
We have no partnerships with MAGICJACK.COM, LP, YMAX..
Nor do we want to!
On there website: shows all of our provinces in CANADA! on there you think as a new Canadian customer that there must be a Canadian number that comes with has been giving Canadians the run around with this since late 2007...Ok we have Canadian Numbers...oh no we don't ...oh yes we do...oh wait a wait no.. Canadian Numbers are coming and no there is not an exact date for this.
Talk about selling them just to make a buck.
What CANADIANMAGICJACK.CA LTD was told is that its going to be the first week in "JAN 2009" that they are going to have them.
This is CRAP...
So we will be the first to keep things real and step up to the plate.
#1. Pick up your Magicjack see how it says "TM" well that is not the case in CANADA!
They only applied for (TM) in Canada on 13 May 2008.
We found out about this on OCT 29, 2008.
DR.SING and Mr.Borislow knows about the email we have from both of them dated (Thursday, May 08, 2008 3:45 AM Subject: SMALL WORLD) later on that day..see above .
That said...
is now a Federal Corporation and registered
with or Industry Canada.
first steps and made a application to the C.R.T.C.
to become a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier.
After that...
kraM lovaP
President of Direct Connect Communications (Consultant)
Sent us a email wanting a CANADIAN Local Number.
After finding out that it was Mark (Nice Try Mark)
We called them back and "Peter and Mark" told us that they didn't want us to sell Canadian Numbers and if we didn't stop they would take the next steps.
We said to bad CANADIANMAGICJACK.CA LTD will not stop selling Canadian Local Numbers to Canadians just because you can not.
And we hung up on them.
That said...
They took the next steps and stopped everyone from selling CANADIANMAGICJACK.CA LTD Magic Jacks at the resellers price or wholesale price.
Just ask ED the owner at Proactive Events!
This is how our company is still able to sell Magic Jack and why Magicjack LP can not figure out how we are still doing it...
CANADIANMAGICJACK.CA LTD pays "Full Retail" price for our Magicjacks and makes no money off of them.
So when a customer buys a Magic Jack from CANADIANMAGICJACK.CA LTD you will see it is the same price as THEMAGICJACK.CA price.
We just pay MAGICJACK.COM or THEMAGICJACK.CA the same retail price as you do... as if you went there yourself and paid for it .
CANADIANMAGICJACK.CA LTD is the only company as of today's date that can offer Canadians a Canadian Local Number on there Magicjack when both MAGICJACK.COM & THEMAGICJACK.CA can not!
We sell Canadian Local Numbers not Magic Jacks and that is how CANADIANMAGICJACK.CA LTD pays our bills.
Neil Adams CEO
When does come out with "Canadian Local Numbers" you will have to change your "USA Number" to a "Canadian Number".
So that means if you have friends that live in the USA they will not be able to call you for free anymore on your USA # because you will have to change it to a Canadian number only!
With you will be able to have 2 numbers:
USA Local Number & Canadian Local Number#
Please wait for a site operator to respond.
You are now chatting with 'Brent'
Brent: Hello, how may I help you?
Neil: Hi I know you don't have Canadian numbers yet and that they are coming next year
Neil: but here is my question
Brent: Hello Neil.
Brent: Yes Neil.
Neil: When Canadin numbers do come out will I have to change my USA number to a Canadain one?....thanks
Brent: Yes Neil. Once Canadian numbers is available Neil, you can change your US number to any Canadian number once for free.
Neil: ok but does that mean i don't have my old USA number anymore?
Brent: Yes Neil. Once you change it to Canadian number.
Neil: So I lose my USA number right?
Brent: Yes Neil. Since you change you replace your US number with Canadian number.
Neil: That's not any good
Neil: is there a way to have both of them at the same time if i pay two times?
Brent: I do apologize Neil, that feature with two magicjack numbers will not be available.
Neil: no just one magicjack and it can ring both USA and Canadian number on same magicjack
Brent: I do apologize again Neil, having two magicjack numbers with one magicjack is not yet possible.
Brent: You may have two magicjack for two magicjack numbers.
Neil: but that would cost over $125 USD to set that up
Neil: with taxes and shipping and duty to Canada if I got 2 magic jacks
Brent: We do not have the estimated costs as of the moment Neil.
Neil: And I only have 1 computer and you can't use 2 magicjack on the same computer
Neil: ok thank you for your time
Brent: We will keep you informed once it is available.
Neil: ok bye
Brent: May I have your contact email address please?
Neil: [email protected]
9:53 pm
well i just read every post on the original blog, and the one above.
I find it very hard to believe that a company of this magnitude and that has sold as many of these units as they say they have. has some of the worst customer service on the planet. If they are so reputable, why does one have to hunt for phone numbers to contact them????? that to me screams scam!
the poster above me(neil) says he's the ceo for the canadianmagjicjack system. at the start of the post he makes himself and his company sound reputable, then he posts a bunch of mumbo jumbo crap at the bottom that makes no sense to the original post. again my spidy sense tingle about being scammed.
for me, i will wait until there is some canadian media sites picking up on this innovation before buying one, as as it sounds now you have Neil, Victor(who is a terrible spokesperson) all shooting off at the mouth and you cant be totally sure who is telling you the turth and who is lying.
oh and the canadian website isnt even working as i type this. 6:53 pacific time
2:46 am
chad said:
well i just read every post on the original blog, and the one above.
I find it very hard to believe that a company of this magnitude and that has sold as many of these units as they say they have. has some of the worst customer service on the planet. If they are so reputable, why does one have to hunt for phone numbers to contact them????? that to me screams scam!
the poster above me(neil) says he’s the ceo for the canadianmagjicjack system. at the start of the post he makes himself and his company sound reputable, then he posts a bunch of mumbo jumbo crap at the bottom that makes no sense to the original post. again my spidy sense tingle about being scammed.
for me, i will wait until there is some canadian media sites picking up on this innovation before buying one, as as it sounds now you have Neil, Victor(who is a terrible spokesperson) all shooting off at the mouth and you cant be totally sure who is telling you the turth and who is lying.
oh and the canadian website isnt even working as i type this. 6:53 pacific time is working!
Our phone number is 1-800-493-0740
You can get a hold of us there please leave massge with your #
Neil Adams
4:52 pm
It’s nice to see some common sense users of this product for a change. The only issue with this device is IGNORANCE. After reading hundreds of “I love it”, “I hate it” posts, I’ve come to a few conclusions.
1: Never buy ANY free 30day trial on ANYTHING!!! Get MJ from QVC, Circuit City, Amazon etc... Then you have a hassle free return. ALL 30 DAY FREE TRIAL AND GIVE US YOU’RE CREDIT CARD NUMBER Company’s will set on your money and give you the runaround, duh. Your and every other sucker’s money is letting them make interest off it. They ALL will bite you in the azz with the fine print. DON'T DO IT!
2: For the people that think the thing that comes out after you press the button on the front of the computer is an automated cup holder, you’re too stupid to use this product. You probably have trouble operating a light switch or flushing the toilet. If you are a 1 on the (1 - 10) Tech Savvy Scale, save us the drudge of reading your negative post and don't even think about getting this product. It's way, way, way over your head. Go play with the light switch or something. MJ is a startup company running on a shoestring. It’s $40 dollars! It’s $40 dollars! It’s $40 dollars! It’s $40 dollars! It’s $40 dollars! What do you expect them to do, send a tech to your house? Come on people get real. If you can’t make it work then return it to Circuit City or QVC etc… Oh, you did the 30day free trial thing? DUH… you deserve the hassle. Just don’t bore us with your post.
3: Paranoid people get up in the morning; check the weather etc… on Internet. Hello! Your ISP tracked what you did and the Weather web cookie and all the other cookies did they’re thing. Picked up your Cell phone and made a call, Hello! Your phone service tracked and logged your call, they also knew you were home because of the built in tracking system. Got in your car and stopped at intersection, got your picture taken by traffic cam. Somebody knows where you were at the time of day. Stopped to get gas, restaurant, shopping swiped your credit card, God only knows how many people got this information on what you bought. Went to work and your employer tracked every keystroke, oh and don’t forget to smile for the candid camera. I looked your name up in the White pages and Goggled Earth your address, WOW! You got a really nice house dude. Maybe I’ll pay you a visit and spy on you. You think MJ gives a rip about the above information? They just want to know local information so they can push you the latest add special from the local pizza place. Unless you live in a cave, get a life because this is your life, you’re just too ignorant to recognize it and all the bitching in the world is not going to change it. Install this on an old PC, stick in the closet, plug in a wireless phone and forget about it. Now it’s out of site and out of mind. Just like all the above listed things we ignore every day.
4: It’s amazing! Carp computer + slow line + Magic Jack = Magic Jacks fault. You got to love it.
This is a COMPUTER \\ INTERNET device. For the slow people out there, this means YOUR PC AND ISP NEED TO BE ON FOR IT TO WORK! So stop whinning about your computer needs to be on for it to work. If you have a slow piece of crap computer loaded with God knows what (because you don’t patch, virus protect and properly maintain your PC.) your going to have PROBLEMS! If your Internet speed is slooooooow, guess what? It’s NOT GOING TO WORK WELL! So the folks that post, “I can’t hear”, “it’s full of static”, “it echoes”, “it sucks”, don’t buy it” and on and on and on. It’s your fault, not Magic Jack. If it wasn’t YOUR fault, we’d ALL be experiencing the same problems you are. So if you’re not willing to deal with YOUR problem, or simply ask people that have it working a few questions to help resolve your problem, then stop posting your ignorance.
5: This DOSE NOT and SHOULD NOT replace you’re your phone system. Analyze what it can and cannot do for you. If it makes business sense then get it. If not, DON’T slam this product because it doesn’t meet your needs. This device saves me and millions of people like me lots of money.
6: Read 1 – 5.
5:41 am
I have been told by the C.R.T.C. that...
YMAX, MAGICJACK LP or can only file as a reseller in Canada.
(They have not even done that yet... as of today's date.)
They can not become a (CLEC) or a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier since they are a USA COMPANY.
( (CLEC) or a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier... means a phone company in CANADA! )
If anyone does not believe the statement I have just made above... do not take my word for it until you have contacted the C.R.T.C. and asked them yourself if this is true or not.
Here is the Toll-free number for the C.R.T.C. :
1-877-249-CRTC (2782)
CANADIANMAGICJACK.CA LTD is now a Proposed CLEC as seen on the C.R.T.C.'s website :;lang=e
Once you click on the link above scroll down to the bottom of the page.
I hope this will clear the air once and for all.
Best Regards,
Neil Adams CEO.
2:29 pm
I have purchased both the US magicjack from as well as a canadian phone number from (Mr. Neil Adams) and I have to say honestly that this product is not worth the effort.
I’ve had nothing but issues with the Magicjack since I got it just over 1 week ago and the chat/tech support folks really don’t know what they are doing. They can not get it to connect with my computer, however any other device is recognized by all of my USB ports with no issue.
Now, I want to cancel my service, Which Mr. Neil Adams told would be fine within the first 2-4 weeks time. I have called for the past 4 days (not including the weekend) and I have not gotten a call back. When I wanted to order the canadian phone number I got calls back within 20 mins or less of me calling.
I totally feel ripped off by both magicjack (for a rather poor product and very poor service) and for ignoring me as a paying customer.
I strongly advise anyone who is looking at trying the magicjack to look elsewhere for a VOIP phone service.
Neither company will do you right IMO.
Rather Pissed Off,
Rod True
ps, I will be posting this on any and all forums I can find which talk about magicjack and canadianmagicjack.
3:16 pm
"Which Mr. Neil Adams told would be fine within the first 2-4 weeks time."
Not true...
All Canadian local numbers we sell are for a 1 year term there is no 30 day free trial with the Canadian local number.
The 30 day free trial is only with the "MAGIC JACK".
Neil Adams CEO.
11:13 am
OK, I've had Magicjack for a year now and yes, you will save a lot of money on long distance charges.
One of the drawbacks is that some of the time the reception on the other end is not too clear, but that's OK.
next..Time to renew your subscription. will only accept credit cards. I don't use credit cards and I bet there are a lot of other people out there that don't. What does that mean for us?
I know that uses PayPal. Does that mean that we can use PayPal next year to renew. I hope so.
4:20 am
The right email to use for customers is: [email protected]
The right 1800# to use for customers is: 1-888-886-6463
9:22 pm
I am a self-employed I.T specialist/PC tech and have installed dozens of MJs. If you want it to work well (and it will):
1) You must have high speed internet, meaning at least DSL, and cable is much better
2) You must have at least Windows XP for it to work reasonably well. It installs easier on XP than on Vista but is capable of working well on either.
3) If you have Vista, be sure you've went to MJs site and clicked on the upgrade for Vista link.
4) MJ's online chat tech support is actually very good ONCE YOU CAN GET PAST THE PERSON WHO ANSWERS. This is a script reader. Escalate and get a supervisor and you'll be surprised how good they are (and what good English they speak)
5) In order for your MJ to work well, you need to have a well working PC. That means, download Avira free anti-virus, and Spybot free, and then update them, immunize your system with Spybot, and run scans until you get clean scans. Go to Control Panel/Programs and uninstall McAfee, Semantic/Norton, any programs you're sure you don't use or need, all toolbars except maybe google, all AOL stuff (go to and log in if you must, but get that giant virus off your PC), etc. Then download the free registry cleaner ccleaner and run it on your programs and registry until you get cleans scans.
6) Once you PC is running well, MOST EVERY MJ ISSUE can be resolved by simply using Microsoft Fixit (MJ's REAL tech support will tell you the same). Google it all. My time is up here. It's $20 for free global phone. You expect to not have to work out a few easy bugs? Sheesh...
12:45 pm
I'm a delighted year plus MJ traveller. Typically I've used it with my XP acer aspire notebook. VERY clear connections from Hawaii, Dominican Republic, Vegas and all over Washington, to US and Canada. When compared with Skype, MJ far better. A SINGLE difficulty last week likely due to being not properly connected to public free wifi in Washington. I use MJ most commonly in my vehicle in parking lots where public free wifi is available. I haul around a smallish regular house phone--good for laughs in airport baggage checks--'cause it works and I've not found good miniphone.
I did order my MJ from USA site. NO problem. Think it says 'can't' but I did. Was shipped from an eastern Canadian site, Ontario, I think and was in Western Canada in days.
Lots of MJ chat questions have been answered helpfully and politely. MJ is a great OUT call device. Anyone in US with free national calling can call my Wash number free. The message answering service leaves a message notification in my email with the caller's number. I plug MJ only when I use it. Anyone wanting to reach me could call my regular VOIP or cell number and hang up without incurring charges. I can call the displayed number back free on my MJ when I am set up. If already connected to high speed takes a minute or two. Small delay for FREE calling.
Important to note that calls coming IN to MJ calls are considered LONG DISTANCE to caller unless the AREA code AND PREFIX match. All MJ to MJ calling is always free no matter where in the world they are-- it's free.
First year service cost was about 1.60 a month. I've since paid $59, for 5 years.
I don't think it's a good option as an everyday phone. As long distance to USA and Canada and local outcalling device it's FANTASTIC!
I did pay with credit card re earlier complaint. This is a credit card world. If you are a conscientious objector accept limitations. Otherwise you might get a prepaid card if a reasonable fee exists, or find someone like me who has cards but never pays a nickel-no fees, no interest. I don't support banks. Card needn't be your MJ name, info of card holder is required. Pay cash to someone who will use theirs, if they trust you. LD calling, out of USA Canada, from MJ could be cost issue. I've not paid ONE extra cent for MJ.
Saw somewhere someone angry MJ service not unlimited as advertised. They used it for medical transcription and was cut off. Well, waaaa. I make few calls and don't want to pay monthly what they make in an hour. To them I say UNREASONABLE expectations--SCRAM, ya cheapo.
Love my MJ, as long as I can find the tiny, much travelled and moved about little thing. NO probs. If you can't install could be defective or you may have zero sense and little patience. MJ chat help is very good--fast response. If you can get to supervisor may be better. If you have no sense may not help.
This device can be used from ANY computer, on high speed with XP or Vista. Sometimes I carry only MJ and a phone, unless I know one is available. Do be aware once it sets up on a computer the little black MJ icon will remain on desktop. Not easy to remove. Make sure you don't try to 'sneak' use on someone else's computer. It will leave that telling tale. It just sits there unless clicked when no MJ connected and will then open the site. Good marketing ploy and can easily be closed again. Just a small nuisance.
I did not have my MJ installed, ever. Seems very automatic process to me. If flustered by techno stuff, well, maybe but proceed and follow screen prompts expecting all to be fine. If snagged, use MJchat.
WORST aspect of MJ is crappy commercial with the dogs. GAG! Device MUCH better.
Last comment. Basic literacy criticism. The person writing may be very proficient in another language. English is NOT easy. If you can get the jist why so quick to criticize?
Thank you Peter, I love your 'crap,' specially useful crap.
11:40 am
First of all, I wouldn’t put too much into what Neil Adams says. He is obiously not well educated as his grammar suggests - he doesn’t know the difference between “there” and “their”, “to” and “too”, and on his own website “then” and “than”. He shot himself in the foot by suing the company that produces his only product. He would have been much better off if he had worked with magicJack LP and developed the Canadian market in unison.
MagicJack is a great product. There are no issues whatsoever. Anyone who says differently is just a basher. One clue to help with the handset volume for those of you who think it is low is to double-click on the volume control in the taskbar, maximize all the first settings, then click on “devices” and then click on “Handset (USB Internet Phone by TigerJet)” and then maximize the “handset” and “magicJack USB Softphone” sliders.
Canadians benefit from this product by getting unlimited calling to the US and Canada and having a US phone number which other people can call you on. Canadians should not look at this product as a home phone replacement as it does not have Canadian e911 service attached. But anyone who has any sense whatsoever would realize this. Essentially is is a way to have unlimited US and Canada calling for a little over $1 a month. One benefit that is not promoted much is that you can use the free call forwarding to forward incoming calls (when your computer is offline) to any number in the US or Canada so you don’t miss any calls. You will fiind that setting under
So don’t listen to all the crap that is being written. These are just a bunch of hotheads who have way too much time on their hands.