Thanks! | Family Feud | Forum
12:18 am
I would like to thank all those responsible for this awesome game template for all their hard work.
I came across this program as I was searching for PPT templates. swf is definitely better.
Is this program still in development? I have some suggestions/requests:
1. Use of USB lock-out buzzers within the program. I read in some sites that the PS2/PS3 buzzers for the game "Buzz" may work this way.
2. How about a question/answer generator/manager for "Fast Money"?
3. Button options for the music.
Thanks again!
12:31 pm
While it's certainly possible to modify the game to accommodate USB buzzers, few if any people would be willing to spend hundreds of dollars to purchase a lockout buzzer system.
I looked into this at the outset and the costs are extremely prohibitive, especially considering that the game would most often be a one day event.
I found a working solution in modifying a Staples "Easy" button with a small buzzer. With only one button, there's no need for a lockout system!
A little light sanding to remove the raised "Easy" letters, some 2000 grit wet sanding and some plastic polish to spiff up the button and we're good to go.
Here's a mod tutorial from You'd just swap the voice module they recommend for a buzzer worth 4 bucks from Radio Shack (theSource).