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revealing point totals in fast money
December 24, 2008
1:40 pm

Thanks for the awesome game. I am using this for a staff party and I really like the custimization this version offers.

December 28, 2008
2:01 am
Forum Posts: 841

According to Warren's FastMoney_Readme.doc file (included in the package):

Each answer is mapped sequentially to the corresponding keyboard number key, and the score to the alpha character key directly beneath it.

1+q, 2+w, 3+e, 4+r, 5+t, 6+y, 7+u. 8+i, 9+o, 0+p

Press the number key to reveal the answer, and then press the letter key to reveal the score.

For example:

"Name a great birthday gift for a kid that wants to be a cowboy."
"You said" (Press the "1" key to reveal the first answer)
"Survey said?" (Press the "Q" key to reveal the score for the first answer.)

"Name a sandwich you can get in a deli"
"You said" (press the "2" key to reveal the second answer.
"The survey said?" (press the "W" key to reveal the score for the second answer.)

Are you having troubles with those controls?