Double and Triple scores | Family Feud | Forum
1:29 pm
I have created a game with 18 questions and am needing to have 3 rounds of 6. First round with regular scoring, second round with double and 3rd with triple scoring. I have found the code mentioned in the topic on disabling double and triple scoring all togther. Is there a way to change when the multiple scoring starts and ends?
10:01 am
I guess I should share how it was done, so that others may be enlightened. Forums are not my forte.
I copied the score muliplier code as follows:
//Score multiplier:
//The “numround” variable defines when the multiplier will start being applied to the score.
//The “mult” variable defines the value that the score will be multiplied by.
if (numRound ==7){
mult_txt.text = “Double”;
mult = 2;
} else if (numRound>7){
mult_txt.text = “Double”;
mult = 7;
if (numRound ==13){
mult_txt.text = “Triple”;
mult = 3;
} else if (numRound>13){
mult_txt.text = “Triple”;
mult = 13;
//end score multiplier code
As I said above, I needed the Double round to start at Question 7 and the Triple rounds to start at Question 13.
Hope this helps!