
iPhone plan with limited or no data - please help | Canadian Pay As You Go Cell Phone Plans | Forum

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iPhone plan with limited or no data - please help
May 16, 2012
12:21 pm

Hi Peter - Would you please help me? I would like to get an iPhone so I can do the cloud/free text thing with my brother and two friends in the US - plus I would a phone not from the 90s! I am not that concerned about the costs of an unlocked phone - work will cover it. But I have to pay the monthly and when I look at the Canadian options (I live in London ON), as soon as you indicate an iPhone you start at $50-$60 per month. I would prefer pay as you go no contract. I make/receive very few calls - maybe 1 from my young son's school and 4-5 from my wife (who is looking for a new plan) per month. I work/live in a wifi environment - so I would like data access but I use it rarely (and if necessary could go without it). I would like to be able to text some of my US friends without iphone/cloud. I've been using Virgin pay as you go and usually don't spend the entire 100 for the year. Can I just buy the unlocked iPhone and then get a sim chip from one of the providers and then get a cheap text/talk with limited data add-on plan? I tried talking to the WIND people the other day in the mall but they say their system won't support iPhone.
Thans a LOT!!

May 17, 2012
7:23 am
Forum Posts: 841

Hi Peter,

First I'd suggest double checking to see whether an Android or BlackBerry phone would also be able to run your app. The reason for that is that Wind Mobile's pay as you go plan is actually very attractive. I wrote a bit about it here.

If you must use an iPhone, I'd suggest looking at 7-Eleven Speak Out Wireless. Even a $25 airtime voucher lasts 365 days with them. However, you would need to double check your data needs, as they offer "browsing" data, which is somewhat restricted, meaning that some apps might not work.

Lastly, Rogers or Fido prepaid are more expensive, but they are still viable options for you given your small amount of usage. You can still use an iPhone on one of their prepaid plans. Although the major wireless providers call those other plans "iPhone plans", it's mostly a marketing trick to get you to buy a plan with more minutes, text messages, and a lot of data. There are plenty of people using iPhones on plans not labelled as such.