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Best plan for a short visit
March 25, 2012
1:14 am
Paris Girl

Hi Peter & all!
I'm planning a trip to Montreal and I'm thinking of getting a pay as you go plan because my French mobility contract doesn't cover overseas calls. What plan would be the best for a short period (less than a month) and which providers allow for the purchase of SIM cards. If I must buy a new phone, what kind of prices are we looking at for the cheapest version?
Many thanks!
Paris Girl

March 25, 2012
8:48 am
Forum Posts: 841

Usually I recommend 7-Eleven Speak Out Wireless, but they are not in Quebec. You could try Petro Canada, Fido, Solo Mobile, or Rogers, who should all be able to sell you a SIM card on its own or with a phone. In fact, most wireless provider kiosks in malls nowadays can sell you a SIM on its own or with a cheap phone.

Even though 7-Eleven is not a viable option in your case, you could also try posting in this forum, which I've found to be very helpful and has members who have direct experience with Quebec:

One extra note: if while in Canada you need to call outside of Canada, do not use your cell phone, as the costs are quite high. Instead, buy a calling card or use an Internet service such as Skype.