Complaints | Koodo Mobile | Forum

8:03 pm
The downside of Koodo is they're difficult to deal with if you need support.
For example, my second bill showed a late payment charge which should have been impossible since I am on a pre-authorized payment plan using my credit card.
I used their support site to inquire about the charge and received a reply explaining how to use the website. I emailed them back politely asking them to actually read my email (as polite as you can ask such a thing). They then replied telling me to call *611.
After calling *611 (and ensuring I wouldn't be charged the $30 fee for calling) I was told my credit card was declined, however they tried it again 3 days later and it was successful which resulted in my payment being late.
Their explanation was that my credit card must have been at the limit, which couldn't be the case (the card is one of those ones with a ridiculous limit you'd never reach). They refused to refund the late payment charge and told me I should call my credit card company to find out why the charge was declined.
So I called my credit card company and asked about the declined charge. According to them, I didn't have any declined charges at all (from Koodo or any other company). The first and only charge from them was the charge Koodo claimed was the second attempt. They told me the problem had to be on the merchant's end as they didn't receive any transactions at all.
So I call Koodo back and explain the situation. After listening to the whole story, the rep informs me my card was declined and so it must be the credit card company. I told him I found it hard to believe that my credit card company wouldn't know about the declined transaction if they actually received one.
We went back and forth a bit until finally he decides maybe he should check with someone in the Billing department (wow what an idea). So after waiting on hold for 20 minutes (listening to some very static-filled music), finally someone comes on the line and tells me they're having a problem with their automated payment system which is why the initial charge didn't go through. They also said the late fee would be reversed and they "hoped" to have it fixed before the next billing cycle.
I politely suggested they should inform their support reps of the situation so that when someone calls in they don't spend the better part of an hour trying to sort it out. The original person who responded to my email could simply have told me about the problem and taken steps to refund the charges without even requiring me to call in.
11:41 am
I apologize for your inconvenience but one customer service rep does not reflect on koodo’s service. It does not cost 30.00 to call in its is free it costs money if you activate with us instead of at a store or online we try and promote online self serve so you won’t have to call in. Changing your plan or adding a feature costs 10.00 I would call back for that credit for the late payment charges and express your concerns you should have definitely received that credit. I have worked for other mobile companies and they are all basically the same we as customer reps try our best to resolve everyones problems and believe me there is a lot! I think Koodo by far is one of the best companies around and everyone has been trying to say negative things but the phones, plans and customer service reps care are the best. Koodo does not try and get money we care about what is best for you and we don’t keep people on plans that are too expensive for them. Every computer system has techinical difficulties and If we are not informed we can only pass the information on when we receive it. Also Koodo is new so they are hiring reps everyday the wait is not 20 minutes anymore.
10:31 am
I have to agree with absydion on their last comment. Every cell phone company is the same. Some might be better than others however, if you represent a company, learn the first rule of life. Stop needlesly taking offence. Believe me, they are not as loyal to you as you might think. Regarding the reply, its written in very poor English. Run on sentences, no commas or periods. Bad grammar.
In addition, F.Y.I. every cell phone company on the planet has the same objective....TO GET YOUR MONEY..... if you don"t know that basic fact perhaps.......... you should get out in the real world and stop being ignorant.
4:22 pm
In reply to the bash, english aside, it has a pang of truth to it. I worked in tech support and other departments for large companies. I know of the hiring procedures as well as the training routines. Departments are quite often segregated, and communication is broken. The protocols for situations aren’t always listed. Generally though, most people know that a billing issue always is passed on to a billing department. Unless the company is purposely trying to stave off calls, and has instructions to do so for similar billing issues (which I find hard to believe), then I would say it is likely a problem with an individual in that department rather than the company itself. The problems that the companies usually have are staffing their call centers with qualified people. This is for two or three main reasons. First, They don’t pay very well. A lot of the tech support that you get, is done for minimum wage. The only way to staff these positions is to hire people off the street with no better job prospects, and train them on site. This doesn’t always make for the highest level of tech support. The second issue is volume of staff required. Quite often there are not enough people to fill positions, so they will hire anyone. Lastly, and most importantly, (and also something to keep in mind when you are complaining to these individuals) It’s a high stress job. Most of the day, you deal with angry and less than friendly people. Quite often people who have no technical background or knowledge, and aren’t willing to accept an explanation from anyone other than a superior. You are already getting paid very little to take abuse all day, so attracting people to this type of position means that you are only going to get people working there desperate enough to need the job.
You will definately get further with a support agent by treating them kindly and giving them really nice comments than starting out on the wrong foot. It’s the nice calls that bring down your blood pressure and keep you from having a heart attack.
That aside, there really are bad agents in these companies quite often for the above mentioned reasons. Ones that don’t know what they are doing, or don’t care.
9:26 pm
I just wrote a novel about my terrible experiences with Koodoo which resulted in me ending my subscription with them tonight after only having been with them for 7(!) weeks. The post did not get saved properly so I won't type it all again but let me just say that there were mutiple phonecalls to them ranging from a defective phone that had to be send back to credit card payments that did not go through due to issues at their end and at NO POINT during my ordeal with them was ANY SERVICE RECOVERY WHATSOEVER, NONE, NADA, ZIP, NOTHING!! I spoke with techies, customer service reps and finally an account manager to settle my bill and I was treated like rebellious teenager who did not pay their bill (NOT my fault) and ALL they wanted was the $$. I will NEVER EVER go to a Telus based company again as I have been with their internet, their homephone and now their mobile phone and I am stunned at how they think they can treat customers.
5:49 pm
Absydion said:
“Koodo does not try and get money.”
Really? Don’t let your shareholders know that!
This is a very poorly-written reply from someone claiming to be a CSR for the company. If I was writing to represent a company I worked for, I would take much better care in crafting a response.
What my co-worker there meant to say, as I'm sure you really understood what he meant, is that Koodo is all about the cutomer helping the customer. yes there is a charge for plan changes, feature changes and reconnections but we will GLADLY walk a cutomer through setting up and using a Self-Serve account.
Koodo! :)
6:14 pm
me2absydionanddaisy1 said:
also, nobody has written a single grammatically correct paragraph in this forum. Nor has proper use of syntax come into play. so that’s a pretty ridiculous comment to make altogether…
Ohh yeah? What does that have to do with anything?!?! It is an internet blog site! Do you think people are going to write a " grammatically correct paragraph" ? and if so where is yours????? You think your better than us? Why don't you do as you say???
3:56 pm
Yeah - Sorry, but Koodo's customer service does suck. Period. No ifs, ands or buts about it. If they are really doing their best to help their customers, then they're hiring at the shallow end of the gene pool.
I have had no contact with Koodo customer service, voice or written, during which I had a belief that they had any idea ability to understand what I was saying. The simple sentence "I do not have a PIN, nor do I have access to "my" PIN." is a concept that took three emails and 5 minutes of a phone conversation to communicate. (Sorry folks - I don't have it. I can't get something I don't have; even if you ask me for it 20 times in rapid succession.)
The reality is though, with the rates they offer, their customer service can afford to be worse than non-existant. Really, how often do you need help with a phone?
5:33 pm
Let's face it, you get what you pay for. If it's cheaper, it's likely because they found places to make cut backs...usually this means staffing cuz they cost the most and are easiest to replace with computers or unskilled ppl in a call centre on the other side of the country. The company faces the same operating costs as any other when it comes to the actual hardware/software side of things, so it comes down to the extras like good customer service.
1:22 am
Me said:
me2absydionanddaisy1 said:
also, nobody has written a single grammatically correct paragraph in this forum. Nor has proper use of syntax come into play. so that’s a pretty ridiculous comment to make altogether…
Ohh yeah? What does that have to do with anything?!?! It is an internet blog site! Do you think people are going to write a ” grammatically correct paragraph” ? and if so where is yours????? You think your better than us? Why don’t you do as you say???
You are one of those unpleasant customers
12:08 pm
I dont know iof any one knows, but with the tab, if i was to pay an extra say 10 or 15 $ a month and keep a positive credit on my account when i decide to cancelle these phones can i use that credit i have on my account to appy off the tab or not? because in the contract they make it sound like they will take any money you have credited to your account and still make you pay the 150 tab?? if anyone knows please let me know!